BTemplates Blog

Tutorials, documentation and news about Blogger.

QuickT :: How to show only labels with more than X posts!

1. Go to Layout> Edit HTML and do NOT check the “Expand widget templates” box: 2. Look for this line of code: <b:widget id=’Label1′ locked=’false’ title=’Labels’ type=’Label’/> 3. Replace it with the following code: <b:widget id=’Label1′ locked=’false’ title=’Labels’ type=’Label’> <b:includable id=’main’> <b:if cond=’data:title’> <h2><data:title/></h2> </b:if> <div class=’widget-content’> <ul> <b:loop values=’data:labels’ var=’label’> <b:if cond=’data:label.count &gt; 2′> […]

Open external links in a new page on Blogger

Here we can use a script thta will make every external link to open in a new page. Go to the “Template” tab, also called “Layout” from the desktop, and then go to “Edit HTML”. Search the following text: ]]></b:skin> and just after this paste the following: <script language=’javascript’> var dominio = “”; var dominio1 […]