Hello Ronalde i can help you. Well is not too tricky and i can explain you.
1.-To find the line in the htlm code you need to use the search bar (is ctrl + f, in firefox) 2.-Copy this and paste in the search bar, this immediately take you to the frame, down it there you can find this code.
Ronalde 9 November 2009 at 8:21
How to change the link for ‘Advertise Here’ item? It’s too tricky. Somebody out there, please help, please …
Ricardo Uribe 16 November 2009 at 0:38
Hello Ronalde i can help you.
Well is not too tricky and i can explain you.
1.-To find the line in the htlm code you need to use the search bar (is ctrl + f, in firefox)
2.-Copy this and paste in the search bar, this immediately take you to the frame, down it there you can find this code.
, erase # and put your link there.
should look like this
I hope I have been helpful, because I cant speak english very well and i dont know if you understand me. :S