There isn’t too much to explain when I thought on make this icon pack. Many of us were marked by the Converse in our generation, icons of youth, rebelliousness, and in some cases, objects that passed through three generations. I really like these sneakers, so I wanted pay homage. Why not a social pack? It […]
Friendlier Dates on Blogger
It’s friendlier to interpret relative dates or the time passed between two dates (i. e. Posted 2 days ago) rather than an actual date. This kind of dates is often used by services like Twitter or Facebook (see demo). You can also easily create this kind of dates on Blogger by adding two javascripts to […]
Blogger template Design Disease
Elena, a great romanian designer and creator of Design Disease and Premium Themes, has updated the design of her website and was kind enough to release her previous and awesome design. The name of the theme for WordPress could not be other than Design Disease and now converted to Blogger template by Blog and Web. […]
Cloud Blogging, Blogger Template
Blogging Cloud is a Blog and Web and BTemplates design, available as Blogger template and WordPress theme. Features Two main columns, but sidebar with one or two columns. Three areas for gadgets / widgets. Twitter status box. Menu with static pages. Social Bookmarks on individual pages. Typography Lacuna Regular in titles (with javascript). Color Settings […]
BTemplatr, Blogger template
BTemplatr is a blogger template designed by Blog and Web and BTemplates exclusively for Blogger users. Features: Two main columns, but sidebar with one or two columns Footer with three columns. 6 areas for gadgets / widgets. Menu with static pages. Menu with social services. Social Bookmarks on individual pages. Short URL’s (broken) on individual […]