BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing WP Showcase, a free Blogger template featuring 3 columns, right sidebar, gallery-style layout, rounded corners and post thumbnails
Perfect for blogs covering photography.
Author: Blogger Template Place.
Siamese00 25 June 2010 at 10:32
Why I Can’t Show Post Only 5 Posts Even Though I Set It In Setting To Show 10 Posts Per Page.. Any Body Know How To Fix It, Please Tell Me. I do Like This Template.
Claudia 26 June 2010 at 13:43
@Siamese00: Maybe you are showing too much content in your blog. Blogger paginates your blog autocamically when your homepage is too heavy. The easiest solution is to reduce the size and weight of your pictures and the number of widgets and javascript elements.
Siamese00 1 July 2010 at 4:41
@Claudia I dont put much content on my blog. I just donwload this template and try to test-post content and I don’t know why it can show only 5 post per page >_____<
If you have time, try to use this template on your blog and see if it can show only 5 post per page as I found or not.
Claudia 2 July 2010 at 2:56
@Siamese00: I’m still thinking that your pics are too heave or maybe you’ve added too much ads or javascript codes.
I created the demo by myself… and it’s showing 8 images :P
Please, leave your blog url when you comment! ;)
Siamese00 2 July 2010 at 3:06
@Claudia: Ah.. I want to leave my blog url, Claudia but too bad and too shame that I used this url to create adult blog then I’m shame to tell the url here lol (but I swear I didnt put any script or widget or ad or else on it, just post only 6 posts and it can show only 5 post per page and I don’t know why)
Ok, never mind. I try using anothe template ^^
elema 7 July 2010 at 12:38
@claudia gracias por diseñar tan buenas plantillas! estoy buscando una nueva para refrescar mi blog. millón de gracias.
elena 7 July 2010 at 12:39
@claudia gracias por diseñar tan buenas plantillas! estoy buscando una nueva para refrescar mi blog. millón de gracias. jejej en mi comment anterior tipeé mal mi nombre. ops.
Siamese00 11 July 2010 at 23:26
Ok, Now I know why I can’t show post more than 5 post using with this template. It’s because I use the same name template “WP-Showcase” but I use which I donwload from another site that’s not from this site. I don’t know what that site edit with the template code that make it can’t show more than 5 posts per page.
Valeria 1 August 2010 at 4:35
I wanted to ask something about this template. When i publish a post with a picture it stretches the picture to fit the size of the square. Is there any way i can fix that,so the image doesn’t changes dimensions? Any information will be very useful!! Thank you!
asser 6 August 2010 at 17:27
hey.. I can’t put 6 or more post in home page… the same problem of this guy..
“Siamese00 25 June 2010
Why I Can’t Show Post Only 5 Posts Even Though I Set It In Setting To Show 10 Posts Per Page.. Any Body Know How To Fix It, Please Tell Me. I do Like This Template.”
help me… I’m a brazilian boy.. thanks
asser 6 August 2010 at 17:29
my blog is in my name… heheh.. click
asser 6 August 2010 at 17:30
ahsudhasd.. there’s an error in adress of my blog…
now is correct…. criativoo . blogspot
Claudia 6 August 2010 at 20:18
@asser: Maybe you are showing too much content in your blog. Blogger paginates your blog autocamically when your homepage is too heavy. The easiest solution is to reduce the size and weight of your pictures and the number of widgets and javascript elements.
asser 7 August 2010 at 16:25
hey… nothing change… my images is in the same size of yours iamges, and in the home page.. the posts have a link in image.. I don’t understand that, look at my blog.. and see.. please…
asser 7 August 2010 at 16:47
i find…
in the code… i put this line.. at this part..
and.. ok!!!.. fine… now.. 10 or more post in the home page
Valeria 9 August 2010 at 1:29
Can you help me on this please!!!Why it stretches the picture to fit the size of the square. Is there any way i can fix that,so the image doesn’t changes dimensions? How to make the picture show up normal in the square(posts) as it look in the demo??
asser 9 August 2010 at 20:48
@Valeria: hey valeria.. sorry about my english, I’m brazilian boy, but, you have to resize your first image, to proportions of thumb…
like I do in my blog.. look at there…
Valeria 10 August 2010 at 1:51
Hi Asser thanks for your help!! Do i need to change only the first image dimensions because i didn’t understand what you meant? How does that work for the rest? What are the proportions of the thumb?
salvador 14 August 2010 at 0:53
Estimada Claudia no puedo colocar mas de 4 entradas en la pagina principal del blog, he cambiado todo pero no puedo colocar mas de 4, me gustaria que me ayudaras ya qeu necesito colocar 6.
Claudia 14 August 2010 at 2:26
@salvador: Es largo de explicar, pero Blogger usa un sistema de autopaginación: si tu blog tarda mucho en cargar, va a mostrar menos posts. Esto ocurre mucho cuando tienes una plantilla tipo galería de imágenes. Solución: optimizar las imágenes para la web, evitar poner tantas imágenes por post (mientras menos, mejor) y tratar de no incluir widgets innecesarios. Si no puedes hacer eso, es mejor cambiar la plantilla por una que no tenga el script que corta tus entradas y genera thumbnails de modo automático.
Dani 24 August 2010 at 9:31
Quisiera saber si hay alguna forma de eliminar la columna izquierda que aparece cuando uno está dentro del post, la cual muestra el autor, etc.
Saludos y gracias de antemano!
AshishSawant 17 December 2010 at 10:34
Hi there
i just tried this template but i am facing same problem which Valeria is facing.
Pls check my below blog link
My image gets stretched in Post. Thumbnail on home page is showing correct but in Post it gets stretched. Could u pls help??
Also advice that if i want to remove left column in post? how can i do this?
pls help
Claudia 19 December 2010 at 2:20
@AshishSawant: Go to Design/Edit HTML and remove the following code:
asker 8 July 2011 at 4:46
Demo shows photos and you cannot click on them. you can only click on Read More or on photo title.
on my blog I Can click on photo and the photo opens. how can I fix it so I cannot click on photo?
Plamen 15 January 2014 at 13:41
for fixing missing posts on the home (autopagination issue) – edit post – insert jump break (from format menu) after the first image of the post
for fixing the link on the photo – edit post-click on the image -insert link on the image from the same format menu