BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Supras, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 3 columns, magazine-style layout, dual sidebars, ad-ready spaces, image slider, post thumbnails and navigation tabs
Author: PBTemplates.
Designer: FThemes.
Kanhai Patel 8 January 2011 at 1:05
This is a one best Temlate. Thanks
João Gustavo 8 January 2011 at 12:09
You can remove the “readmore”?
Facemot 9 January 2011 at 4:55
Like Magazine Templates :(
Claudia 10 January 2011 at 11:58
@João Gustavo: Go to Design/Edit HTML -> Expand widget templates and replace:
Save changes. Does it work?
João Gustavo 10 January 2011 at 12:13
@Claudia: Thank you, now is perfect. Kisses
ALHDHD 20 January 2011 at 10:43
Thank you
You are really useful and deserve thanks and respect
I record my admiration for this great template,
Didix 30 January 2011 at 1:09
Claudia, you saved me.
Your solution to fix de read me is excelent. Even more, from now one, the short and the full version of any post has the same formating.
The SUPRAS theme is exelent. With your fix is just perfect.
Thanks again for your suport and genius solution that you shared with us
bcafterall 11 February 2011 at 11:27
Hi Claudia!
How can I make the date appear exactly like your blog, below the title and smaller???
Cr Crack 21 February 2011 at 18:49
nandychu 23 February 2011 at 14:36
Hi Claudia. First, sorry for my bad english :P . Second, my question:
How I can change the colour of the menu? where it says: home, business.. etc
Thank you very much!
Claudia 23 February 2011 at 15:16
@nandychu: You must edit (in an image editor), host in a photo hosting, and replace the following image link in Design/Edit HTML:
dayan 2 April 2011 at 1:35
hi claudia,this is a perfect template
i have a question,how to add older post,newer post, home, links on the bottom of the page?can you give me a code s for that and tell me how to add them? than cludia
dayan 3 April 2011 at 5:40
omgod this is the best forever cludia,wow it so nice
Ram 12 October 2011 at 13:21
I want to have this theme with Two columns so that I get 1 side bar and 1 main content are with more width. I have seen some blogs like that. If someone can help me in doing that I would be obliged.
Thank you