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Love is in the air Blogger Template

Love is in the air

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About Love is in the air

The Love is in the air template is a charming and visually appealing choice for bloggers who want to create a warm and inviting online space. With its 2-column layout and fixed width, it offers a clean and organized structure, making it easy for visitors to navigate. The right sidebar adds a touch of elegance while keeping essential elements within reach.

This template features a delightful color palette of pink, red, violet, and yellow, creating a vibrant yet harmonious look. The rounded corners add a soft and modern touch, while the footer columns provide ample space for additional content or links. It’s perfect for websites focused on themes like animals, floral designs, girly aesthetics, love, or vector art.

Designed with social media integration, the Love is in the air template ensures your content is easily shareable, helping you connect with a wider audience. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, this template combines functionality with a touch of romance, making it an ideal choice for creative and heartfelt blogs.

More Love Blogger templates:


Author: ChicaBlogger.

6 Questions and comments on Love is in the air

atif980 17 February 2012 at 12:03

very cute templete…………..

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Marta 11 May 2012 at 6:49

Hola muchas gracias por la plantilla. mi pregunta es la siguiente. queria quitar de la barra lateral lo de las blog suscription y su contenido, ya que para amoldalo a mis necesidades, no lo considero necesario. Y si tuvieran otras recomendaciones, te agradeceria en todo lo que pudieras ayudarme ya que soy una principiante y me esta costando mucho todo lo relativo a la plantilla.
Un saludo y gracias de antemano.

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Marta 11 May 2012 at 6:52

Of Hello thank you very much for the template. Question miles is the next. wanted serial key to the sidebar of the blog subscription and your content, since paragraph amoldalo a bad needs, have not consider necessary. And if they had others issued recommendations, you appreciate everything that you could help me because I am a beginner and I this costing much everything Lo relative to the style of template. A greeting and thanks in advance

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Marta 11 May 2012 at 12:53

Of Hello thank you very much for the template. Question miles is the next. wanted serial key to the sidebar of the blog subscription and your content, since paragraph amoldalo a bad needs, have not consider necessary. And if they had others issued recommendations, you appreciate everything that you could help me because I am a beginner and I this costing much everything Lo relative to the style of template. A greeting and thanks in advance.

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Dina mae 19 November 2012 at 8:11

very nice template…it combines my favorite color all the theme love it:)))i think it help me a lot to mu project…

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Andrian 5 March 2014 at 19:13

Its verry fantastic template with awonderfull banner thank you verry awfully much…..

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