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Maggo Magazine Blogger Template

Maggo Magazine

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About Maggo Magazine

Introducing Maggo Magazine, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 3 columns, magazine-style layout and dual sidebars

Perfect for blogs covering business or internet.

More Magazine Blogger templates:


Author: ThemeLib.
Designer: .

17 Questions and comments on Maggo Magazine

bigbowl 24 November 2008 at 4:40

blog archive can’t display properly.

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Helper 6 December 2008 at 9:26

i want star ratting also with this theme

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Nicko 29 December 2008 at 14:12

Como borró lo que está de cabezera eso de “maggo mag theme”?

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Nickpox 29 December 2008 at 14:17

Como saco eso de la cabesera??? eso de “Maggo mag theme””??

Ayuda porfa!

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Steven Todd 23 January 2009 at 18:06

The date stamp does not work. It reads “17” for every day, no matter what the date is. Is there any way to fix this?

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Sabelotodo 14 March 2009 at 11:42

Si teneis Mozilla Firefox:

1. Copias el TODO el documeto XML.

2. Vas a Diseño>Edición HTML

3. Haces la combinacipn de teclas ctrl+f

4. Buscas donde pone “encontrar” el termino “Maggo Mag Theme” (sín las comillas)
5. Reemplazas “Maggo Mag Theme” por el nombre que quieras que salgas

6. Si tambien quieres cambiar la descripción :
ctrl+f >buscais “Your description goes here” >lo cambias por la descripción

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emariph92 5 May 2009 at 10:22

what a nice template.

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abbegrt 17 July 2009 at 9:22

templet is the best

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Edgar 12 September 2009 at 13:09

I used this blog and love it. I have one problem, the third column moved to under my posts. I reinstalled a fresh copy after trying to fix it. I have another blog (backup) to this one and used that one since it was working fine… I uploaded it, and it’s doing the same thing.. strange.


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Joaquin 1 April 2010 at 12:49

Esta plantilla es una copia del Schemer Mag de, que es conocido por tener muchos problemas o “bugs” en sus plantillas. La fecha no aparece correctamente, no se pueden eliminar comentarios a voluntad, no está preparado para todos los navegadores, etc. Es una plantilla elegante, espero que algún programador experto la rescate, para muchos que quisiéramos usarlas. Pero así como está, da más problemas de los que resuelve.

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serba bisnis indonesia 9 April 2010 at 2:53

Please give me permission to use it…

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gammingzone 5 August 2010 at 7:34

can u convert Green Mag Theme To blogger temple its beautiful theme but not applicable for blogger

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Iradiobiztv 20 November 2010 at 13:59

thank’s you so much for this template…:)

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Steven Ema 5 November 2011 at 1:28

your template is very nice, keep your job

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