Free Blogger Templates

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Neosapien Blogger Template

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  1. How to install a Blogger template.

About Neosapien

The Neosapien Blogger template is a sleek and modern design, perfect for creating a bold online presence. With its 4-column layout and fixed width, it offers a structured and professional look. The template, adapted from WordPress, combines functionality with aesthetics, making it ideal for those who value both form and performance.

Featuring a striking black color scheme accented with red, Neosapien exudes a dark and edgy vibe. The left and right sidebars provide ample space for navigation, widgets, or additional content, ensuring a user-friendly experience. This template is particularly well-suited for websites focused on dark themes, music, or people, offering a visually compelling backdrop for your content.

Created by Blog and Web, Neosapien is designed to help you stand out in the digital landscape. Its clean and organized layout ensures that your content takes center stage, while the dark aesthetic adds a touch of sophistication. Whether you're a musician, blogger, or creative professional, Neosapien is a versatile choice for building a memorable website.

More Music Blogger templates:


Author: Blog and Web.
Designer: .

25 Questions and comments on Neosapien

Wally 18 March 2008 at 6:00

download corrupt!!! email me when fixed? thnx!

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Francisco 18 March 2008 at 6:45

Is ready, please try again.

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Garnacher 22 March 2008 at 18:18

It shows another template

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Francisco 22 March 2008 at 18:36

sorry, now is fixed!

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Abihmetal 9 April 2008 at 18:23

Yo usa esta plantilla para mi blog la recomiendo hasta el momento no me a dado problemas y me quedo muy bien jaja…

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Fernando 19 April 2008 at 0:46

Ola pessoal. Estou com um problema com o template Neosapien! Quando abro o Internet Exlorer com a janela normail sem ser maximinizada as colunas da direita ficam na parte de baixo do blog, e quando aumento a tela, as colunas vão para o seu lugar correto, mais os espaço ocupado por elas em baixo continua ficando então um espaço em braco…

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Ladriana 14 July 2008 at 15:24

hola, 2 consultitas:
1o- tenemos el mismo problema que Fernando.
Hay alguna manera de evitar que las columnas de la derecha se muevan hacia abajo al no tener el explorador maximizado?
2do.- utilizando Mozilla Firefox la imagen del encabezado queda corrida.
muchas gracias

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Daniela 23 July 2008 at 19:25

Francisco: We loved you template but we’d like to change the image of the blue eyed guy, can we do that? Or it’s impossible? plase answer.. we would really like to use it.

Nos encantó tu template pero nos gustaría cambiar la imagen del chico de los ojos azules por otra que refleje nuestro blog. Es posible? realmente deseamos usarla.

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Nick 22 August 2008 at 6:48

4 Daniela & others, yes it’s totally possible:

In .xml template find this lines:

and replace link to image with another, that shall show some other picture.

p.s. Boy looks like he’s in mental institution, or being tortured. something like that. I find it as very dark, and twisted template. & I like it.

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Rossy 6 January 2009 at 12:05


Como hago para cambiar la imagen del banner?
How can I change the banner image?


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Alycia 5 February 2009 at 22:08

i cant use the template. it show error.. pls help.. i really like and wanna use this temp.

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AurelianoBastida 16 February 2009 at 7:25


He intentado instalar varias plantillas de vuestra pagina (Neoneon y Neosapiens) y siempre me da errores. Desde google me dicen que me dirija a vosotros.
La verdad es que he visto otras, pero me parece que las vuestras son muy buenas.
¿Sabéis a qué se puede deber?

(error: bX-bliced)


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Cruz 16 February 2009 at 13:26

Yo supere ese error sacando los gadget, pero cai en otro error distinto.

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An71qu3 15 June 2009 at 12:59

Wow .. nice template .. what about how to lose weight and look as in your dreams .. find out now the best adivices ~>here

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KVDO 17 June 2009 at 16:36

Excelente plantilla yo la uso y la modifique un poco solo quiero saber como cambiar la franja roja de arriba y si puedo colocarle alguna imagen. Gracias.

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Jee 19 July 2009 at 10:40

i wanna make some canges in it… love it!

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Host Naruto 9 August 2009 at 23:22

thanx for those template, i’ll take care of them…

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Jeannie 17 November 2009 at 19:18

Hi, Can the blue eye guy image be changed? Also can we put stuff in the red areas on the both sides of that blue eye guy image? Thanks!

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david 24 December 2009 at 20:51

Saludos amigos y gracias por la plantilla.

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jose luis 10 January 2010 at 2:29

como se puede hacer para que las columnas del lado izquierdo no se bajen

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THE INVISIBLES 29 January 2010 at 14:11

Can someone PLEASE put this in english.
How can I change the existing image to one of my own?
Also, since I only speak english, how do I change the catergories on the header ro read something more in line with my site?


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cyberwave 1 April 2010 at 20:16

this cool template…
[download]…. ^^v

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prateek dixit 18 May 2010 at 13:00

the comments is disabled….people are not able to post comments on the posts…
please help!!!! this is an awesome theme..i use it on my wordpress blog as well….

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Claudia 18 May 2010 at 16:29

@prateek dixit You can find the answer to your questions and more in our FAQ section.

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