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Chucky Blogger Template


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  1. How to install a Blogger template.

About Chucky

Introducing Chucky, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 3 columns, magazine-style layout, right sidebar, rounded corners, image slider and post thumbnails

Perfect for blogs covering business or personal journals.

More Magazine Blogger templates:


Author: Anshul.
Designer: .

170 Questions and comments on Chucky

Claudia 7 January 2010 at 17:58

Set up the link list gadget located near the header, in Layout/Page elements.

Elliott: Please, study carefully the instructions file attached.

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Elliott 8 January 2010 at 8:33

Thank you, I didn’t see if before, Thanks again.
Love the layout.

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Amruth 10 January 2010 at 3:47

hello sir
how can i add images in featured posts?

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cync 10 January 2010 at 4:41

sir, how to add the featured menu ?
i still cant find it ..

Thx be4

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Anshul 10 January 2010 at 12:33

@amruth ans cync please check the layout image and instructions u get when u download this template it will make clear to you.

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nur 18 January 2010 at 3:03

who knows the way to change the image featured?i’d used the codes from rtf, but the image of featured menu disappeared. can you help me?please.

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Anshul 18 January 2010 at 6:41

@nur if unsable to do from rtf just read instructions from here.

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Osman 20 January 2010 at 13:05

Ben sitemde yaptım çok güzel isteyen görebilir:

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ubasape 23 January 2010 at 20:05

exellent bro.., thnks so much… nice bro..

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Rodrigo 27 January 2010 at 3:49


No puedo configurar el menú, traté de añadir los enlaces vía Diseño / elementos de página, pero cuando veo, todo está destrozado.

¿Me pueden ayudar

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Anshul 27 January 2010 at 7:19

@ rodrigo Ya en elementos de la página encontrará widget Linklist sólo añadir enlaces a partir de ahí y mantener dont rememebr mantener el título para que el título widget.Remove mantener en blanco.

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Rodrigo 27 January 2010 at 7:38

ohhh, gracias Anshul, estaba hay mucho tiempo intentando, ahora conseguilo

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Rodrigo 30 January 2010 at 3:26


The blogger is now possible to create static pages, but the template shows that static page like a post, in a nutshell. You can change this

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Ryan H 24 February 2010 at 12:02

How do you get the ‘featured post’ part look like it is on the example? mine does not look like that, it does not lets you scroll throught, have images etc … HELP PLEASE!!!

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Joel 2 March 2010 at 10:48


He querido insertas un script de lightbox (la version de Triptracker), pero no me funciona al momento de ponerla en esta plantilla.

Alguna idea de cual pudiera ser la razon? Ya he eliminado el resto de los scripts para ver si no estaban afectando el funcionamiento de la misma.

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Joel 4 March 2010 at 14:35

Problema resuelto, gracias.

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Nicky 8 March 2010 at 20:20

I think this template is really good except for one thing. How come my posts aren’t on the same line? They’re uneven and it ruins the beauty of everything.Is there anyway to fix that? Please help!

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Anshul 9 March 2010 at 20:32

@hic hic its compatible with IE7 we dont design and check compatibily for IE6 now as its being dumped.

@nicky you just would have been showing date for post just remove it.Then they will be in line.

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Nicky 10 March 2010 at 7:44

Thanks, Anshul. But is there no way to keep them in line and still show the date?

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Pedro 13 March 2010 at 7:56

@nicky: my blog show the date of each posted article.
Just go to Layout | Page Elements and click On Edit Button of Blog Posts. Uncheck the first date option and check the third option selecting the date format. Not forgot to SAVE it.

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Cláudia 21 March 2010 at 8:58

This template it’s fantastic. But i want know if is possible change the colour . I would prefer purple in my blog. If it’s possible how i can change?

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Pedro 24 March 2010 at 3:31

@Cláudia: To change the background color of your blog:
1) Go to Layout > Edit HTML
2) Save a copy of your template in Backup/Restore Template clicking: Download Full Template
3) Mark: Expand Widget Templates
4) Edit Template after Variable Definition searching body structure and changing it by:
body {
margin:0 auto 50px;
font:normal 12px Arial,Verdana,Tahoma;
5) Not forgot to SAVE TEMPLATE
6) Go to Layout > Fonts and Colors
7) Change Page Background Color to pink: #ffc0cb
8) Not forgot to SAVE CHANGES
9) Similarly, you could change Text Color of the posts.
Good look.

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Pedro 24 March 2010 at 3:37

@Cláudia: Excuse me, you don’t have pink color.
The purple color is #800080 as you’ve guessed.

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Lucas 29 March 2010 at 8:34

Peguei o Template Manchete ( que foi retirado daqui mas meus posts não aparecem como na foto. Só aparece o post principal e os outros 6 não aparecem, ou seja, aparece 1 post por página. A mesma coisa acontece quando testo todos os outros templates do mesmo estilo. Como faço pra mostrar todos os posts como na foto?

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marcos 4 April 2010 at 10:52

Hola, uso y recomiendo mucho esta página porque tiene plantillas de todo tipo, pero he encontrado una cosa común en muchas de estas,

casi todas en las de “magazine” y es que en la página principal, el texto de las entradas no sale formateado como en la entrada escrita, es decir, yo coloco saltos de páginas “” y esta no los reconoce en la página principal, en cambio una vez entras en la entrada individual funciona correctamente,

se puede arreglar de alguna forma, porque no lo consigo,

es un fallo que se repite en muchas plantillas…


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Michael 14 April 2010 at 11:07

First of all, great template, the post snippets are working beautifully.

I’m having two problems.

1) Links are not showing up. I entered them into the Link List widget by entering the URL and Name and hitting “Add link.” I kept the title “Link List” on it. Part of the text shows up on the left edge of the menu bar.

2) When I add a second featured article, it shows up below the first. There’s no slideshow happening.

One or both of these is probably related to the script files, which I did not do anything with. I followed the instructions in the Installation.rtf file. Does the XML file include the JQuery library? If not, what do I do with the scripts? If yes, what can I do to fix them?

I am having the same problems on the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Thanks for any help.

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Michael 14 April 2010 at 11:39

First of all, great template, the post snippets are working beautifully.

I’m having two problems.

1) Links are not showing up. I entered them into the Link List widget by entering the URL and Name and hitting “Add link.” I kept the title “Link List” on it. Part of the text shows up on the left edge of the menu bar.

2) When I add a second featured article, it shows up below the first. There’s no slideshow happening.

One or both of these is probably related to the script files, which I did not do anything with. I followed the instructions in the Installation.rtf file. I uploaded Chucky.xml a second time. I read the “Read More.txt” in the Scripts and referenced the javascript files in the as instructed. They should be loading from my dropbox public folder. This had no effect.

I am having the same problems on the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Thanks for any help.

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Anshul 14 April 2010 at 12:48

@michael first jst remove the title linklist from widget it will show up links.
Second visit template settings page and add codes from second way in tutorial it will work.

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Michael 14 April 2010 at 13:39

That worked! Wow, Google Translate really messed up the concept of “don’t forget to remove the title link list” from Spanish to English. I also found that I’d been misplacing the code for the second and third slideshow items. Thanks a lot!

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Darren 15 April 2010 at 11:30

Anybody know how to make static pages display properly? Currently they display like snippets on the main page. The problem is that the content should have a div class=”single”, but it has “post hentry”. I tried changing it in the page HTML, but that didn’t work. Any suggested hacks to the template?

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Anshul 15 April 2010 at 13:39

@darren no way available only just use posts only for showing your contact and about pages :)

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mohanavijay 28 April 2010 at 6:13

Hey thanks for the wonderful template

i installed this template in blog
i fixed all the options
except the top menu …. please tell me how to make it work

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Claudia 29 April 2010 at 0:21

Go yo Layout/Page Elements and put your links un the link list gadget you will find under the header gadget.

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danial 30 April 2010 at 23:41


i’m having the same problem as michael. Once I added a second featured article. It shows the posts under one another. Check out my site.

i add the 2nd codes just before below code 1st codes. Please help me.

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danial 30 April 2010 at 23:46

*i add the 2nd codes just before below the 1st codes as per instruction. Please help me. thank you.

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danial 1 May 2010 at 0:10

hey , i managed to solve it.
great template!! thanks!

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Tami Curtis 1 May 2010 at 10:01

I figured out it’s when I use mozilla firefox. I still haven’t fixed it. Can someone help me to know what to do…or give me an idea of where to start looking for the solution?


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Kevin 2 May 2010 at 10:58

yeah i tried to get the featured post thing to work but only works for one post if you add another it adds two boxs instead of the click through as in the demo.

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Tami Curtis 3 May 2010 at 18:29

@Kevin: Hey Kevin…I had the same issue, but realized my computer was still loading. Internet connection was not good that day and as soon as it finished downloading…the 2 boxes became 1. Hope this helps.

I have another issue though, the navigation doesn’t line up correctly. I can only see “VIGATION” (the title I gave it) and I don’t see any of the links that I entered. Can anyone offer any assistance?

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Tami Curtis 3 May 2010 at 18:34

@Tami Curtis: I just figured that out. I had to take off the title that I have (NAVIGATION) and only have the links. Also, the picture that I entered into my header had to be changed to “shrink to fit”…or else the navigation would not work correctly.

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danial 8 May 2010 at 0:22

is it possible to Add 3-Column Footer on this template?? can u help me? i have tried so many times, but it didn’t work.

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Casey Evans Asante 9 May 2010 at 16:46

Sorry to post on your blog. But I need help. Your blog looks great! How did you get the feature content slider on the front page to work to work?

The codes just stack under the first for me.
What was the code you use?

Thanks, and keep on blogging.

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MOHANAVIJAY 13 May 2010 at 10:50

Please Help The …. How To add link list to this template at top

see the picture below ….

i added three links to the link list gadget… but it only showing the last added link to my blog

The Link List I have added:-

But it only showing the last added link list:-

please help me with this … i already posted a comment for help… but i now briefly explained ….. my trouble

if u wish to contact me please add me to gmail chat (for helping)

i fixed all the instructions as you said

This is my blog

thankyou… btemplates team

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Yudhis 23 May 2010 at 13:56

thanks for this templates, it really a nice designed templates. Most of my blogs use your templates since they are too good to be missed.


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GOGO TANGIANG 25 May 2010 at 3:23

ilike it…. i’m form Indonesian. visit me ! Information in Indonesian.

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Raphael 4 July 2010 at 21:16

In my test blog the featured post isn’t working.
Can someone help me?

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Claudia 5 July 2010 at 15:52

@Raphael: I see you did not set properly the feaured section. Please, read carefully the instructions attached to the zip file.

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Raphael 5 July 2010 at 19:09

@Claudia: I’ve read. Now I have a diferent type of “error”

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Raphael 7 July 2010 at 12:26

Damn, i’ve copied the widget from the demo to my test blog and i’ve got the same problem, this template would be great, if works…

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icedbox2002 11 August 2010 at 23:30

can anyone fix this template???

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Erik 17 August 2010 at 18:55

Claudia otra vez de enfadoso yo, esque me gusto este template para mi blog pero cuando lo instalo no me aparece el slideshow y ya leì las instrucciones de como modificarlo pero esta diferente y nose como poner mis propios textos y en el menu de arriba le agrego los los links y nada no se ven, tambien otra cosa que esta chueco las entradas, se ven en dos filas verticales pero deslineadas..ayuda!!:(
Dime como editar el seguir leyendo del slideshow y como hacer que aparescas gracias claudia:)

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Erik 17 August 2010 at 19:24

claudia parece que ya pude poner mi slideshow lo unico que no he podido por mas que intento es poner mi menu arriba pongo los links y no aparece nada y mis entradas de dos columnas siguen desalineadas nose porque…espero me puedas ayudar..:)

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Claudia 17 August 2010 at 21:35

@Erik: Las respuestas a tus preguntas estaban en los comentarios previos :P

1) Anda a la Edición de Elementos, y agrega los en enlaces en el widget de lista de enlaces que vas a encontrar bajo el widget de la cabecera.

2) Anda a las opciones de las Entradas en la Edición de Elementos de la plantilla (Diseño/Elementos/Entradas). Una vez allí, elige no mostrar la fecha de los posts (destilda la fecha), y cambia el formato de la hora por uno que muestre la fecha de hoy.


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Anshul Dudeja 18 August 2010 at 2:00

@erik just get template from here an updated version , u will not get any problem in it.

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Erik 18 August 2010 at 10:55

Claudia hice lo que me dijiste y no pasa nada, todo sigue igual.
te dejo una imagen para que la veas.
Ayudame, me gusta mucho esta plantilla que la quiero conservar.
Mis entradas siguen desalineadas y el menu no se ve.:(

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Erik 18 August 2010 at 11:04

Claudia ya arregle el el problema de alineacion gracias…funcionò prefectamente como me lo dijiste,muchas gracias, solo el unico problema que quedo es el del menu que sigue sin verse..porque me pasa esto?que hago mal:(

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Claudia 18 August 2010 at 13:30

@Erik: Si agregaste los enlaces al menú, éstos deben verse. Si no se ven, puede ser por cambios que hiciste en la plantilla. Podrías instalarla de nuevo, tratar de configurar el menú, y luego hacer cambios.

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Erik 18 August 2010 at 16:29

Claudia ya la desinstale y la volvi a instalar y no pasa nada…porque serà?… te doy mi contra de mi blog para que me ayudas sii??…esk kiero esta plantilla me gusta mucho…ayadame:)

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Víctor 20 August 2010 at 10:15

1. Como puedo hacer para que me aparezca el gran recuadro azul con imagen del ejemplo de la plantilla? No encuentro el lugar donde activar este recuadro para que aparezca. Espero no tener problemas despues para poner la imagen.

2. Puedo acceder a editar o configurar mi página sin tener que ir primero a “visualiza mi perfil completo” y despues a “página principal”. Hay algo más rápido que no tenga que pasar por mi perfil… pues casi todas las visitas a éste han sido mias, y me gustaría ver cuantas agenas ha habido.

Muchas gracias, no sólo por la magnífica plantilla que nos ofrecen, sino por las competentes personas que responden cada mensaje de ayuda.

Muchas gracias, os lo mereceis.

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