BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Green Day, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 2 columns, left sidebar and vector graphics
Perfect for blogs covering animals, art, education, family, home and decoration, kids or nature.
Author: Anshul.
Designer: EZ WPthemes.
tassio 29 December 2009 at 1:19
faço questão de comentar dessa vez!
esse template ficou nota 10..parabéns
koko 2 January 2010 at 3:18
Hi. How can I show each date on this template?
There is undefined and I can not show it…
Please help (;;)
Anshul 2 January 2010 at 14:15
@koko just change the timestamp format like this in your blogger setings.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Duane 3 January 2010 at 11:00
templante Show de Bola
melhor que o Flamengo Hexa Brasileiro…
se bém que esse site ta muito carente de
templates em português
toda vez tenho que traduzir…
mas Parabéns.
Amy 3 January 2010 at 18:12
I try and change the timestamp format but it still shows up as undefined?? Any idea why? Cheers :)
Anshul 3 January 2010 at 19:21
@amy ya bcz u chnaging date-header not timestamp format .mistake made by everyone.
Meike 9 January 2010 at 6:32
Hi! How i can change de timestamp format? I try change this with the configuration, but isn’t show the blog well.
Sorry for my english.
¡Hola! ¿Como puedo cambiar el formato de hora? Lo intento cambiar desde la configuración, pero no me aparece correctamente en el blog.
Anshul 9 January 2010 at 13:49
@meike go to Setings > Formating > Timestamp Format And chnage it to this format Sunday, January 10, 2010
Meike 9 January 2010 at 15:56
Oh! That’s ok!!! Thanks! :)
Hugges 18 February 2010 at 10:33
Thank you Anshul……i have been stuck for this timestamp for a week…till i read the comments then i’m able to solve the problem. Thank you very much!
hazbew 20 February 2010 at 19:09
how can i change the welcome text?
Anshul 21 February 2010 at 1:38
@hazbew Just find for this text in your codes and replace with yours.
Write all your content here.
Hatsuharu_black 1 March 2010 at 18:09
Hi, can you explain more about the welcome text? I cant change it!
Sorry 4 my english
Anshul 2 March 2010 at 5:33
@hat just find for this line in your blogger codes.
Write all your content here.
and replace with your welcome text.
Mira 11 March 2010 at 23:19
Hello. I have been using this template since 8 February 2010 and I love it. However, for the past few days, the page doesn’t come out right. The pictures at the top part dissapear and the green background doesn’t appear anymore. What happened? Is the tempate good for only one month? I had to cahnge it to another template today to prevent looking ugly.
By the way, i think you have done a good job. I just hope this one get fixed, unless there is something I can do on my part. THanks
Hugges 12 March 2010 at 12:27
Hello Anshul, what’s wrong with the template? is it only for one month? I have encountered the same problem with Mira! The background of the template was gone…….
I really really love this template and as well as my committees bacuse we are organizing Consumer Fair with the title of Green Marketing. Your template really suite our theme and those we surf on our blog were praising our blog.
This means that you have done a great job.
I really love that template.
Hope it can recover soon.
Anshul 14 March 2010 at 14:42
@Hugges solved.
Hugges 15 March 2010 at 10:51
Thank you very much.
Really Appreciate it.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you……
nurultokun77 30 March 2010 at 13:32
how i can change my title font??
nurultokun77 30 March 2010 at 13:40
I find it
Alessandra 29 April 2010 at 7:51
Hi, I changed the timestamp format, and it doesn’t changed. What should I do?
Claudia 30 April 2010 at 17:23
@Alessandra: I think you didn’t change the date as Anshul explained above. Please, set the timestamp (the hour, not the date) to “Tuesday, December 08, 2009” ;)
nisa 13 May 2010 at 12:24
hye. i’ve used ur templete. how can i sign in/sign out to my own blog? in my previous templete, the sign in/sign out icon appear on the screen. i really have no idea on this. plis help me…
Alessandra 20 May 2010 at 22:46
Hello Claudia!!! Thank you!!!! It works!!!! :D
Alessandra 20 May 2010 at 22:47
Hum, another question!! My “search” on the top of the blog doesnt work!! What should i do?!? Thanksss
hep tasarım 8 July 2010 at 6:30
is “search” a picture ? i couldn’t explore codes of this template.
Claudia 9 July 2010 at 15:50
@hep tasarım: Yes, “search” is a picture. If you want to replace that word, you must edit the following image and replace it in your xml template (in Design/Edit HTML):
heptasarim 18 August 2010 at 9:14
@Claudia: thank you Claudia. That’s very kind of you.
wisnu pamungkas 30 July 2011 at 1:14
the search box not valid with the picture, it’s moved right, how?