BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Hybrid Gallery, a free Blogger template featuring 3 columns, left sidebar, gallery-style layout, rounded corners, ad-ready spaces and post thumbnails
Perfect for blogs covering photography.
Author: Insight your Blogger.
Darke 6 November 2009 at 3:45
now that’s a very great gallery template, we need like it but for icon’s .
coolthemes 6 November 2009 at 3:56
Hi Insight,
This is just amazing.. Moreover, all your work is marvelous. You are sure a rockstar of blogger. Keep up the great work.
Insight 6 November 2009 at 6:41
@Coolthemes @Dark:
Thank you very, very much, guys! We do the best we can do to make Blogger users more satisfied. Thanks again :)
@Claudia: we put a link (with HTML code) for instructions ( )-linkbar and Ads. It guides those who use our gallery and doesn’t generate questions here. Thanks for sharing.
quang 6 November 2009 at 22:30
How can I get HTML on this template?
Blastile 8 November 2009 at 20:23
This is awesome, insight, thanks for creating this.
I wanna ask a question, can I edit your template?
(colors and background)
Then I will write, edited by “me”, created by “insight”
coolthemes 10 November 2009 at 10:58
Hi guys,
The theme settings URL redirects to a demo.. I think it needs to be changed..
Cahaya Biru 11 November 2009 at 8:48
Good looking theme…. great. :)
maris 14 November 2009 at 19:35
hi, just want to ask, how do i edit the 125x 125 ad space? thanks.
dzul fahmi 18 November 2009 at 4:09
yes,.. very good
rasteroid 27 November 2009 at 9:21
cool skin! :)
kozhe 24 December 2009 at 0:42
How do you manage 125 x 125 space be edited? thanks for info.
Claudia 26 December 2009 at 0:56
Find these lines code in Layout/HTML Edition:
Replace the “#” by your link, and the banner ad image link by your own ;)
pinicogota 28 December 2009 at 18:51
I have a problem with thumbnail images showing on the home page… Can I make them look more propotional?
alex 30 December 2009 at 21:46
Hola un saludo, primero felicidades por los bonitos diseños, otra cosa, ya lei la solucion que queria de como modificar los recuadros de 125 x 125, ahora una cosa, puedo poner en esos recuadros enlaces con foto hacia cualquier pagina como un simple enlace??? o necesariamente deben de ir banner de publicidad, tiene que ver con reglas de ADS???, saludos.
Francisco 31 December 2009 at 0:38
alex, puedes usarlo como mejor quieras, si quieres imágenes reemplaza la url de los actuales en el código de la plantilla y su respectivo enlace a donde quieres vaya cada.
Si quieres una lista de enlaces (sin imágenes, claro), mejor eliminar el código completo de los banners y crea un gadget de links.
alex 1 January 2010 at 18:26
Disculpa que te moleste otra vez estimado Francisco, tengo una consulta, puse una imagen como fondo en este diseño de blog, pero tengo un problema, si estiro la ventana del explorador hacia la derecha o izquierda, todo el contenido, sidebars, recuadros de post se mueven centrandose con la ventana, pero el fondo se queda pegado y se decentra TODO, como puedo hacer que si abro la ventana o la maximizo, el fondo quede junto a los elementos flotantes, no tengo problemas si bajo o subo, ahi si queda pegado, el problema es cuando agrando la ventana y se descuadra en horizontal, veo que tu diseño es asi pues en el original sucede lo mismo sino que como el fondo es casi puro no se nota, hay alguna solucion para esto, me ayudarias muchisimo, saludos cordiales.
David 10 January 2010 at 7:26
Hola, aunque pone que es compatible con Explorer y Firefox, la forma en que se muestran los thumbnails es distinta. En firefox, me pone las imágenes, pero en explorer, me muestra los vídeos ¿¿?? Lo puedo arreglar de algún modo??
Kozhe 15 January 2010 at 11:22
I use this template and i want to be seeable on mobile. Please tell me how? thanks
annyboo 20 January 2010 at 8:50
i love this theme! Its really cool. Love the rounded corners and all! Thank you thank you!
Dhoom 21 January 2010 at 6:51
Funciona perfectamente, solo hay que hacerles algunos retoques, me gusto mucho, muchísimas gracias por el template y por el gran trabajo realizado y sobre todo por compartirlo con nosotros.
deakin 31 January 2010 at 4:29
ok, for the ad, Claudia said Replace the “#” by your link, and the banner ad image link by your own, but after i replace the # with a link (like below), when I click on the ad, the link will be like this ->
how can I link it to instead of that?
Claudia 31 January 2010 at 13:19
Deakin: You are doing something wrong… but I can’t check it :( When you leave a comment here, please try to put you blog URL in the box above.
Alejandra luciana. 7 March 2010 at 2:26
Aguien me puede ayudar!!!! ya baje la plantilla.! y esta hermosa!.. pero… que es el Post RSS ..y los dos que siguen! quiero saber son enclaces?? por que cuando le hago clic.. solo salen codigos!! porfavor help me!
Alejandra luciana. 8 March 2010 at 0:58
Ayudenme! porfavor!!! Aguien me puede ayudar!!!! ya baje la plantilla.! y esta hermosa!.. pero… que es el Post RSS ..y los dos que siguen! quiero saber son enclaces?? por que cuando le hago clic.. solo salen codigos!! porfavor help me!
Claudia 9 March 2010 at 14:37
Esos enlaces permiten que quienes visitan tu blog se suscriban a él. Puedes obtener más información sobre lo que es “RSS” buscando en Google. Para modificar dichos enlaces (removerlos, o añadir otros), puedes leer nuestras FAQ.
Alejandra luciana. 10 March 2010 at 3:28
Pero solo salen codigos?!!! y no se como hacerlo!! ayudame porfavor!
Alejandra luciana. 11 March 2010 at 10:47
Como agrego tales códigos?! de donde los saco! help me please! :D
Vercess 15 March 2010 at 9:27
Why is my blog only has 5 posts?? Is there any setting that I can display 4 only?
Your help is much appriciated!
Goldilock 18 March 2010 at 10:13
I was using this template for a long time,I like it very much and it was working fine.But today suddenly everything went wrong.Videos are shown on main page,pictures and writings became a mess.And I dont know what caused this or how to fix it.
If anyone can help me about how to fiz it it will be appreciated.Thanks in advance.
mubaraq 19 March 2010 at 21:55
i hav installed this template…really cool…
but i think there is sumthing wrong with the script..
where to find the original replace with the dead link..
thank u… :P
Air 24 March 2010 at 11:59
why are the images stretched out on the main page? How do i fix that?
Shay 2 April 2010 at 14:59
I love the template, but when I use vertical pictures, they are distorted in the gallery. When I use horizontal pictures, they look great. How can I fix this?
Thank you.
John 10 April 2010 at 7:32
Hey, I really love this template. But, I’ve a problem:
When I do my post (with a image), the image doesn’t stay in the center of the “square” (that appers HOME)
So, what can I do? (:
Vicmetal 20 April 2010 at 2:08
Amigo, tengo un problema con la plantilla… la imagen antes se reedimensionaba, ahora ya no… y se ve raro… como lo soluciono? porque veo en la demo que la imagen se reedimensiona perfectamente… Saludos y agradeceria tu respuesta!
MaU 30 April 2010 at 22:39
a mi tambien me pasa el mismo problema y no encuentro en ningun lado del css para solucionarlo soy medio novato pero no tanto xD ojala haya una solucion pronto ya q eslo unico q me falta para ponerlo chulo
gracias de antemano
MaU 30 April 2010 at 23:45
disculpen el doble post pero ya lo solucione xD
por si alguin lo ocupa les dejo el codigo del css q edite para las vistas previas pongo en negrita lo q edite
.post img {
background-image: url(;
background-position: bottom center;
height:200px; esto a su criterio
margin-top:3px; este lo edite para el margen de arriba estaba con valor de 0
border: none;
width:auto; aqui lo deje en auto para q se viera mejor
Bliser 6 May 2010 at 0:10
excelente diseño ^^
Sherry 20 June 2010 at 23:48
When I click on the live demo I get “Error on page” at the bottom of my screen. I didn’t realize this and uploaded it to my blog and I still get that error when I use internet explorer only. I do not get the error in Firefox. Is there something I can do to fix this error? I love this template.
dnuri 27 July 2010 at 21:32
The image doesnt stay in the centre of the square. how to fix this?
thank you
python 10 August 2010 at 7:22
I’ve been using this template for quite some time. However recently all of the template images seems to be missing.
Shadow 24 August 2010 at 6:18
How can I make the Squares to be on 3 columns ? Without the left one… without advertise
Craig 27 September 2010 at 12:21
Thanks for the great template. Everything works great except when i create separated pages. The text is placed into the small columns similar to the blog page. Is there anyway I can have pages that default to the full size text columns similar to the page for a post. In otherwords the blog page shows small colunms. When you click on the posting on the blog page it takes you to the posting page. the posting page is a full size column. The problem is that when i create a new page (not a posting) the columns are narrow. Check out my blog and click on the “about us” page. notice how the page is displayed with a narrow column. I would like the about us page to be a full column similar to the posting page.
Natasha 15 November 2010 at 2:53
The template settings link is not working. maybe you can check it out.
Natasha 15 November 2010 at 2:54
I have the same problem. That’s why I need to see the template settings but sadly the link is not working :(
Claudia 16 November 2010 at 22:05
@Natasha: Yes, the template setting links is dead.. and I couldn’t find the original post created by the author of this template. If you have any question, you can ask :)
Isabelle 14 December 2010 at 16:39
Hello, I really love the look of this template and since 2 days, I try to increase the number of publiactions on the main page but I’m unable… I can only see 27 posts but I have already more than 500 posts and I would like to show around 40 posts on the main page.
Note that this template is not yet on my blog because I’m working to change it a little on a test blog before putting it online.
Waiting an answer coming from you please
Claudia 14 December 2010 at 17:06
@Isabelle: I think that 40 is too much. Blogger will only display a few number of posts in the homepage due to autopagination.
Isabelle 14 December 2010 at 23:35
Okay, thank you very much for responding so quickly.
Happy Holidays to you and your family !
Cristina 5 January 2011 at 23:38
Hola, uso este template desde hace unos 4 meses pero desde hace un mes masmenos tengo problemas con el margen superior en un post de contacto para el cual uso el htlm de probe tambien con el formulario de contacto de 123contactform y ocurre lo mismo…aca se puede ver:
entiendo el problema seria del template no del codigo del formulario ya que ocurre en los 2… a quien pueda ayudarme se lo agradecere
Claudia 10 January 2011 at 11:27
@Cristina: ¿Cuál e exactamente el problema? Vi el formulario de contacto de tu blog, y no detecto nada. Lo vi en Firefox.
Cristina 10 January 2011 at 15:43
Gracias Claudia, lo que sucede es que ya lo correji por ese no se ve, aprovecho de contar como en caso de que a alguien mas le suceda, simplemente tome el codigo html y lo pegue en el bloc de notas, despues fui eliminando todos los espacios y enters del codigo dejandolo todo unido (me tomo de 10 a 15 min) y posterionmente pegando la entrada y publicando y quedo perfecto. gracias.
amit 26 January 2011 at 14:32
How to make the thumbnails in the home page unclickable i mean when people click on the thumbnail of an image in home page it should not open .but when they click on title it should take them to the post
ben 30 May 2011 at 2:10
How do you add more posts to the main page?
bbb 31 May 2011 at 10:00
can’t get to the next page of comments
Vipul 19 July 2011 at 3:07
I am not able to edit my ads for the “Advertise here BOX” . When i try to replace ‘#’ with the code, it starts giving error that code must not contain < characters. Please help
Hyuni 30 July 2011 at 11:51
How can iremove the share buttons? I ticked of the option at the Design panel but they still appear. I also tried looking for the code in html but i cant find it, i only found the css style for them but i dont see how they are embed on the post.
Miguel 4 November 2011 at 21:14
Apenas instale la plantilla pero quisiera quitar la parte de share this post. Como se puede hacer?
yuvraj 17 November 2011 at 5:17
how to create a another posts thumbnails.
there are two posts thumbnails but i want 3 post thumbnails.
please help me.
yuvraj 18 November 2011 at 1:18
Reply me…..please
how to create a another posts thumbnails.
there are two posts thumbnails but i want 3 post thumbnails.
please help me.
Malin 1 December 2011 at 4:11
Wow, awesome template! :D
Now, just wondering, is there a way to make the DATE of the post visible, not just the time (’11:11 AM’)..? That would be gr8, ’cause I’ve been trying to fix this for like a week now… :/
And I really, really, really don’t want to change to another template!! This one is PERFECT for my blog!
Thanks!! :)
sahabatmaulana 21 January 2012 at 13:37
nice template for my galler template