BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing NewsSite, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 3 columns, magazine-style layout, right sidebar, rounded corners, ad-ready spaces, image slider, post thumbnails and navigation tabs
Author: PBTemplates.
Designer: FThemes.
Kelly 4 February 2011 at 12:57
The only element I can’t figure out, is the pull down menu under the header. How do I use this? I can’t figure out how to customize it. Thank you.
Claudia 7 February 2011 at 23:32
@Kelly: Go to Design/Edit HTML and find the following code:
You must replace all menu items by yours. It is basic HTML.
Kelly 8 February 2011 at 1:38
Thanks Claudia…I must have been sleep deprived because something just wasn’t clicking when I left that comment/request. I eventually figured it out the next morning and went “duh”…thank you.
Max 13 February 2011 at 16:00
hi..i find this lovely template..but i needed to change few things..from home page.I remove read more option,slider,date and author name..but what i notice now..when i open for example some post..words in the post get scrumble :) as you can see
on some post (for example) first,
Can you tell me how can i fix this ? Thanks
Claudia 15 February 2011 at 15:05
@Max: First of all, install this template again. Second, go to Design/Edit HTML, click on “Expand widget templates” and find the following codes:
1) For the read more feature
Replace that whole code by this:
Now delete this code:
2) For the slider, delete the following codes:
3) To get rid of the author and the date, delete:
Finally, save changes.
Max 23 February 2011 at 5:05
yea it works…i needed to change font of post titles ( to small ones ) i done but i dont know how to fix this space between post titles on my home page.Can you hel me with that.And one more thing :) under post there is counter for page (before was older and newsr page is numbers) and that is awsome for my blog..but how do i change result to more like 10 its just for max result for page ?
Thank you very much and i do hope so..that you can help me with this also..i just love your site and beutifull templates ..cheers
Claudia 23 February 2011 at 15:21
@Max: To change the font size of the post titles, go to Design/Edit HTML and find this code:
The font-size is 22px. Chane it to a lower value.
Thalis Brum 1 March 2011 at 20:50
Quero editar, os slideshow, e a imagem de topo do blog. Preciso saber o código de HTML e o que tenho que mudar neles. Obrigado
Claudia 1 March 2011 at 22:20
@Thalis Brum: Go to Design/Edit HTML and find this code:
In that code you must replace image URLs by yours. Your images must be previously hosted in any free photo hosting like, and they must be 610px × 320px.
dimitris 6 March 2011 at 12:50
i think that the slide pics shoyld be 475*250 pixels in order to seem smooth…
dimitris 6 March 2011 at 13:22
Thanks for this nice template. i’ve got some questions…
1)how can i correlate my newest post to the button e.g. Health or to the sub button child category 2?
is it necessary my newest post to be shown on my home page?
2)Is there an easy way to update every time the pics on the slider?
thank you in advance
dimitrios 6 March 2011 at 16:52
How can i associate any of my posts to the menu buttons? For example i want my last post to be seen on child category 1 or on health menu, not on home page.
How can i do that please?
Thanks in advance
ane 7 March 2011 at 12:36
how can i use the menus? i want to correspond my latest post with the drop down menu. Till now every post i publish is shown to the home page only, so the drop downmenus are useless. Please heeeellllppp
TwoWheels 10 March 2011 at 11:30
Hi Claudia,
This template works just great for me. Thanks a ton. I did have a question though. I can’t figure out the size of the image frame for the featured posts. I’m linking images to these but they’re either a little too big or too small and won’t exactly fit in the frame. Can I determine the size of the frame in the code or something? That way I can pre-edit my images to fit right into the frame.
Thanks in advance.
2Wheels :)
Thalis Brum 10 March 2011 at 23:17
Bom as imagens para o Slideshow na verdade são do tamanho 475px por 285px.
Claudia agora eu tenho outra dúvida. Como eu faço para alterar a velocidade de transição do Slideshow? Quero colocá-la mais lenta.
Max 13 March 2011 at 18:26
Hy there again.I continue to edit template for my needs.I done it all and its wonderfull.What i need to know how to edit header.I want to make some header image and chnage it for white space in header.My image would width as header wrapper its 950 px .Can you help me with this ? thanks
ifootballvideo 13 March 2011 at 18:27
Hy there again.I continue to edit template for my needs.I done it all and its wonderfull.What i need to know how to edit header.I want to make some header image and chnage it for white space in header.My image would width as header wrapper its 950 px .Can you help me with this ? thanks
kader 28 May 2012 at 5:02
Thanks for this template, I am searching this type of template since last 2 days. I think it will help me