Free Blogger Templates

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CarsRace Blogger Template


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About CarsRace

The CarsRace Blogger template is a sleek and modern design tailored for car and motorsport enthusiasts. With its two-column layout and fixed width, it offers a clean and organized structure that enhances readability. The template features a right sidebar, drop-down menu, and rounded corners, adding a polished touch to your blog.

This template is adapted from WordPress, ensuring a smooth and familiar user experience. It includes post thumbnails and a slideshow, making it easy to showcase your content in a visually appealing way. The ads-ready feature allows you to monetize your blog effortlessly, while the social integration helps you connect with your audience.

With its black and gray color scheme, CarsRace is perfect for dark websites and those focusing on cars and motorsports. The inclusion of tabs further enhances navigation, making it a versatile choice for bloggers who want a professional and engaging online presence.

More Cars and Motosports Blogger templates:


Author: PBTemplates.
Designer: .

4 Questions and comments on CarsRace

cristian 27 May 2012 at 9:22

ola muchisimas gracias por los templates estan muy buenos todos gracias

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Francisco Yuri Campos Diaz Jr 2 29 May 2012 at 19:05

Yo tengo una hermanita de todo el cuerpo completo para tener un hijo con ella misma y pondremos verla ya desnuda de todo el cuerpo completo?

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Alexis Alfredo 11 June 2012 at 22:08

Tengo una pregunta como hago para poner los link en mi blog por ejemplo en la parte donde dice FEATURE como hago para ponerle el link por ejemplo darle click a FEATURE y que me mande a una informacion que e puesto en mi blog como hago eso para que se valla a otra pagina al darle click porfa necesito ayuda ojala me respondas

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