BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Notepad Chaos, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 2 columns, right sidebar, floral accents and vector graphics
Perfect for blogs covering art.
Author: GosuBlogger.
Designer: Smashing Magazine.
Melle 9 November 2008 at 13:02
Hi do you have a mac version for this?? i cant open it using mac :(
juan 9 November 2008 at 18:33
grazie tante
Minerva 12 November 2008 at 11:22
I’m having problems with the “recent posts” widget. It’s not showing anything at all (I posted several test posts but the widget just stares back at me blankly) and I have no idea how to fix it. Does anyone know how this can be fixed?
Minerva 12 November 2008 at 11:54
Ok, so the problem with the blank widget is solved by making your blog public. I can deal with that. My next problem is that there are 3 authors for it and there are no way to tell who wrote what now because it doesn’t say it. Anyone know how I can make it so that it shows the names of the authors? We really don’t want to sign everything because we are just so not used to it.
Angela 16 November 2008 at 16:11
How do I get the Blogger Navbar to show? I read the Blogger help site:
• add style=”margin-top:40px;” to the topmost element of your Template. (i.e. would become )
• make sure the closing tag is present; it should go before the tag.
but the problem is I can’t figure out where to insert their little scrap of html code into the template html.
Estrella Luna 16 November 2008 at 17:41
Thanks… love it. I think I worked out all the bugs by reading everyone’s posts and your responses.
Diana 18 November 2008 at 9:05
Hola quise bajarme esta plantilla pero a la hora que la quiero abrir despues de haberla descomprimido solo me salen las instrucciones de como poner el codigo…que puedo hacer, me pueden sugerir algo??
Darwin 26 November 2008 at 17:33
Hola a todos.
Me encanta esta plantilla, lástima que el menú esté en inglés. Par cambiarlo tendría que cambiar las imágenes con el texto en inglés verdad?
template 26 November 2008 at 18:06
excellent theme.. thanks..
bbt 29 November 2008 at 11:21
nice, excellent and fantastic. thanks for this cooool template.
Allison 29 November 2008 at 23:12
I’ve figured most everything out, but the one thing I can’t figure out is how to get the full friends and links image to show up. It’s only showing half. Can someone help me?
Noelia 30 November 2008 at 14:38
Gracias Claudia, la verdad te pasaste con la plantilla ademas de tener la buena voluntad de contestar las preguntas de todos que para mi fueron muy orientativas.
Pude configurarla y quedó hermosa.
Muchas gracias, sos una genia.
gaby 2 December 2008 at 17:47
Claudio…exelente plantilla. Gracias a todo lo que contestaste arriba, pude configurar la plantilla.
Solo queria saber si conoces algun programa que sea facil de utilizar y cambiar los nombre es españo.
nos vemos
shadowburble 7 December 2008 at 10:26
Shunmugha Sundaram 8 December 2008 at 10:27
I use this theme
★PACO★™ 10 December 2008 at 5:55
Hola esta increible tu plantilla super exelente, aunque le hice algunos cambios los cuales todavia me faltan unos pocos pero la verdad, EXCELENTE es esta plantilla.
Felicidades a quien creo la plntilla.
GirlwiththeBraids 11 December 2008 at 10:48
I am having some trouble with showing the comments. I looked in the HTML and I found out that it says that it’s ‘blocked’. Do you know how to fix it? And how do I make the date come up on the tabs?
Berta 13 December 2008 at 7:52
Hola tengo un problemilla con el blog,en la parte derecha donde pone Recient Post, solo me salen un máchimo de 15 post y ya tengo 19, me gustaria que salieran todos alguien puede ayudarme?
Daniela 14 December 2008 at 12:18
Hi Claudia!
I’m having a problem, this message appears when I try to save this template…
Mensagem de erro de XML: The document type declaration for root element type “html” must end with ‘>’
Can you help me, please?!
monikyta 16 December 2008 at 19:40
O campo da data aparece “undefined”. Como mudo?
Date Field appears “undefined”. How can i change it?
monikyta 16 December 2008 at 20:39
i’ve figured out my previous questions. but i still don’t know how to change the tabs name home, about and archives
Jess 17 December 2008 at 20:11
oi alguem me ajuda?o arquivo ta em uma ligua estranha,eu nãoentendo por favoooor ajuda!
vanessa an lim greeson 20 December 2008 at 0:28
Thanks Claudia and other bloggers for troubleshooting! Mine worked out flawlessly :)
Sara 23 December 2008 at 16:55
For people who have XML error message:
I had this error too, but then I looked up and saw that you can upload your design from you pc. There’s the error when you copy and paste the NotepadChaos.xml.
I hope it can help you.
Wonderwoman 24 December 2008 at 21:23
Por fin logre corregir el error “Undifined” en esta plantilla, para todos aquellos que aun no lo pueden hacer aquí les pongo los pasos a seguir:
2.Formato cabecera de fecha escoge la siguiente opción: miercoles 24 de diciembre del 2008 (por ejemplo).
3.En formato de hora escoge el siguiente formato: miércoles, diciembre 24,2008.
Y….¡listo! con estos cambios corriges el error “Undifined” y aparece la fecha estampada en tu blog.
Espero les sea de utilidad esta explicación, saludos!!!!!.
Jacqueline 25 December 2008 at 2:53
i am trying to use this template because i love it, but copy and paste doesn’t work. can you use it using blogger?
Gabriella 25 December 2008 at 8:02
it was gorgeous………….
thanx 4 sharing…^^
mystique 27 December 2008 at 5:39
i uploaded it like 5 times, and all that i can see is a page with whie background and some black letters. no pictures at all, it’s not exactly the one i see on the sample screenshot above. help me!
in 27 December 2008 at 14:07
Tengo problemas para editar las pestañas de about y archives. En el link de instrucciones no vienen los códigos que los arreglan! (Cuando haces click para ver los links de los códigos dice que la página ya no existe)
Miss S. 29 December 2008 at 0:34
Hola. Me gusta mucho este diseño, pero no puedo usarlo.
Cuando trato de ponerlo, me dice que se borrará a los seguidoeres y el archivo del blog. Ya los borré yo. pero sigue igual.
Hice todo como se debe, pero cuando intento cargar la plantilla me aparece: bX-btce2j
Que podrá ser? Cómo lo arreglo?
Yop 29 December 2008 at 18:51
in: ya lo solucionaron arriba. Debes buscar (a href=’/’) está por la mitad.. y remplazas la / con la dirección a la que quieres ir. :)
alguien me puede decir si no aparece el nombre del autor?
“escrito por..” y se puede poner?
deldiadespues 30 December 2008 at 8:06
por dios, ees muy linda!
pero tengo un millon de problemas para subirla
el principal, es que si copio y pego me salta el problema de xml.
si la subo de mi pc, me salta el error bX-bjtplu y no hay info en la web
como veo que muchos tienen este problema, pero todavía no tiene solcion, si alguien me ayuda voy a estar muy agradecida!
Dawn 31 December 2008 at 12:28
Love the template and have managed to get everything working except the Friends and Links picture that is cut in half. Can someone tell me how to fix this? Thanks!
Anderson 1 January 2009 at 18:52
Olá sou brasileiro.
O template é legal mais está com problemas […]
flw? tchau
Teri 2 January 2009 at 15:48
Happy New Year! I’ve read all the comments but I still need to know which gadget to add to allow friends & link tab to show. Thanks.
Tayna 2 January 2009 at 16:38
me ajude!
não estou conceguindo usar esse layout
da este aviso
Editar modelo
Edite o conteúdo do seu modelo. Saiba mais
Os widgets serão excluídos
Confirme a exclusão dos itens a seguir. Toda a configuração dos itens será perdida.
Confirmar & SalvarCancelar
o que eu faço?
será que dá pra me explicar claramentee?!
misa 4 January 2009 at 7:53
hi i tried importing the xml file, it shows a progress bar and then it was redirected back to the import a blog page and it says below “There were problems importing the file.” so what should i do?
Connie 4 January 2009 at 20:50
This is a great layout!! Love it! But of course I am having a few issues.
1. How do I remove the image borders that are appearing?
2. I unlocked the widgets and deleted the catagories one since I don’t use it but the image is still there. How do I comment it out as another person mentioned? Or make it into a different kind of list?
All the other issues were solved thanks to all the great comments here, thank you everyone!
Oh, my blog addy is if you want to check it out!
Pablo 5 January 2009 at 23:33
Hola Claudia:
Esta platilla está muy original, excelente diseño. Pero he intentado eliminar el título sin resultado alguno. Intenté eliminando pero no funcionó. ¿Podrías ayudarme?
Pablo 5 January 2009 at 23:35
Hola Claudia:
Esta platilla está muy original, excelente diseño. Pero he intentado eliminar el título sin resultado alguno. Intenté eliminando la etiqueta data:title/ pero no funcionó. ¿Podrías ayudarme?
syima 6 January 2009 at 13:54
how can i gv u the screenshots? bcuz i have a problem. in the preview, the recent posts n categories boxes suppose to be top-right, but in my case it is at the bottom-right. how?
unusually when my friend view it from her laptop or pc, it works. but when i view from mine, even when i have logout, it’s still situated at the bottom right. dont know what to do..
syima 7 January 2009 at 4:57
my blog is ok now except for the half friend link..
Dani 7 January 2009 at 23:14
Is anyone else getting a prompt when they try to access their blog? For some reason mine keeps asking me to enter in my log on information, and I can’t seem to figure out why… Or where to look to remove this code
Dave Strife 9 January 2009 at 14:52
Ya lo tengo todo casi solucionado Claudia. he hecho mil avances con la plantilla, y está casi perfecta. Solo tengo dos problemillas:
– ¿Cómo hago para que aparezca el autor de cada post? Tengo la casilla “autor” en el elemento de pagina “entradas del blog” activada, pero ni así. En el código de la plantilla tampoco veo la frase postauthor ni nada. ¿qué hago?
-¿Como cambio la fuente de los titulos de widgets en la sidebar? Es feísimaa jajajaja he mirado, y puedo cambiar la de la cabecera por ejemplo, pero nada de las otras.
Dave Strife 10 January 2009 at 8:08
Dios, me estoy superando! Tengo un pequeño descubrimiento:
(spanish)Para poner el autor del post, teneis que copiar este codigo(no puedo incluir , van delante y al final como siempre)en una de las post footer line.
(english) Copy this code (remember set “” at end and at the top of the code, because I can´t write them here) under one of the post footer lines. At post footer line-1, it will show the author under the post title. At post footer line-2, at the end of the text. At post footer line-3, with the labels of date, categories, etc. I hope it helps you.
span class=’post-author’>
Una vez hecho eso, podeis moverlo. Si lo ponemos en el post footer line 1, aparecerá debajo del título de la entrada. Si lo ponemos debajo del line 2, al final del post, y si es en el line 3, creo que sale al lado de las etiquetas de fecha, categoria, etc.
Dave Strife 10 January 2009 at 8:12
HELP (replace)
1 =
3 = >
1span class=’post-author’2
1b:if cond=’data:top.showAuthor’3
1data:top.authorLabel2 1data:post.author2
Espero que esta vez me deje poner el código ufff
Sorry for my english
Dave Strife 10 January 2009 at 8:24
1 = ( open sign: la uve flechita que abre todos ls elementos)
2 = ( close sign: la que cierra, con una barra /
3 = > (close sign without /
Si así tampoco puedo escribirlo, desisto xD
chingkay 24 January 2009 at 7:08
hi claudia,
having problems uploading the file, i changes it to XML already but still had this error message “Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: Content is not allowed in prolog.” i looove the layout. i hope i can use it…
steph 30 January 2009 at 21:27
again, how do you solve the problem on undefined dates? i couldn’t enter the instructions link.. thank you.. :-)
by the way, the template’s really awesome! :-)
Arie 3 February 2009 at 7:43
Can i change the the Latter “UNDEFINIED” in the left??
pls email me
Irene 11 February 2009 at 23:38
Hi, how can I remove the tab undefined? Can see any instructions on it. Thanks
GirlwiththeBraids 12 February 2009 at 15:26
Read the instructions. The link is above. It explains everything.
ZergCow 13 February 2009 at 21:53
Just for those of you having problems displaying the Friends & Links heading…
find this in the code …
#content .col02 .links {
background:url( no-repeat 50% 8px;
And change the end where it says “padding-top:20px” to “padding-top:40px”
Hope that helps.
Shay 14 February 2009 at 20:35
I’ve read through all the posts at least twice and have fixed a number of my problems, but still can’t find the link that Claudia mentions to fix the “undefined” problem. Would someone be so kind as to repost the link? Thanks so much!
Ashley 15 February 2009 at 5:41
Shay, to fix the “undefined” problem. Go to “Settings”, then “Formatting”, under “Date Header Format”, select “Sunday, February 15,2009”, which is the 3rd in the drop-down menu. This should solve ur problem.
I’ve tried it, it worked.
Shay 15 February 2009 at 13:14
Ashley, Thanks for getting back to me but unfortunately that didn’t do the trick. It was already on that setting and I tried various other formats then came back to that one to no avail.
Does anyone else have a suggestion? Thanks again,
Shay 15 February 2009 at 20:50
It turns out that I had to change it under the “timestamp format” rather than the “date header format” but you definitely got me to the right place. I now have dates!
Hamzah 19 February 2009 at 16:10
I’ve made the white space in the middle a blank area to write a letter then I took a capture of the “letter” and sent it to my sweetie, shranghila, so I have no problem like you guys. my problem is when I came to the post office the receptionist is a woman (and of course she is like an angel), so I decided to make a copy of the capture and gave one to her and I was very proud to do that.
you know guys, after a week pass of time, my beautiful shranghila has received the letter then she made a call and said :
“Hamzah, I have changed my decision and from the next Monday my school will be moved to your town. it’s my mother, she has been transferred as the receptionist of a post office in your town.”. ( BAMMMMMMMM!!! ).
but!you know guys, and to the author remember the beautiful receptionist?. She sent a ‘thanks’ for this great and lovely template and she said :
“I will never be able to neglect this lovely letter which will make me always to remember a strong boy with the biggest ‘thing’ I have never seen before”.
Juls 20 February 2009 at 3:50
Is there no way i can show my ‘recent posts’ if my blog is PRIVATE?
Anywhere i can make the amendments?
Priya 20 February 2009 at 4:10
I uploaded the template but now I cannot view a link/way to go back to my dashboard to edit the changes
Please help