BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Notepad Chaos, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 2 columns, right sidebar, floral accents and vector graphics
Perfect for blogs covering art.
Author: GosuBlogger.
Designer: Smashing Magazine.
miss trot 23 February 2009 at 4:32
oh! please help me!
i can’t see my date at my bl0g..
it always show ‘undefined’:(
could u help me?
btw, reply this in english~
sherry 27 February 2009 at 2:07
I downloaded this beautiful templete and I have no idea how to add a post to my blog or go to the dashboard.
Can you help?
acento 4 March 2009 at 6:09
Tenemos un problema con los enlaces: home, about, archives! A pesar de hacerlo bien (o eso creemos) siguen sin funcionar y nos lleva una y otra vez al index de la raiz de nuestro hosting. Tenemos instalado el blog en una carpeta independendiente. Si alguien puede ayudarnos…
kirei 9 March 2009 at 14:45
La plantilla está barbara pero no encuentro la solución al problema de los comentarios (no funciona) me fije en la página del autor pero no no encuentro nada y la barra de buscar tampoco funciona, en el sitio de gosu no se ven los códigos que dice que hay que cambiar para arreglarlo. Ayudaaaa!!!
Katie 11 March 2009 at 1:00
I can’t figure out how to get the date correct. What’s the right format? It says “undefined”, I’ve gone into the formatting and changed it to every date option, and it’s still that way. UGH!
eLNovato 11 March 2009 at 13:26
Hola a tod@s!
mi problema es el siguiente…me bajo esta imagen del template:
La abro con Photoshop para modificarle el color y luego sustituyo el URL del original por el modificado del Photoshop en el XML. Lo instalo, pero no me aparece la imagen nueva. ¿Sabéis por qué? ¿Hay que modificar algún otro comando para que se vea?
Mil gracias a tod@s por vuestra atención!
Croaker 14 March 2009 at 14:20
I just started a new blog and found this template to be great for it.
Like many of you, initially I had problem with the date displaying “undefined” instead of what it’s supposed to. Here is how I solved the “puzzle” :) (I know it’s been posted somewhere above but it doesn’t hurt to reiterate:
In your blogger dashboard, go to Settings->Formatting, change both Date Header Format and Timestamp Format to this format “Saturday, March 14, 2009”.
Thank you for a very beautiful template!!
Shay 15 March 2009 at 20:27
Hi all,
Is there a way to create a monthly archive list? I know where in the HTML to insert the link for the “archive” tab, but I have no idea what to link it to. Is the archive an add-on or gadget?
Thanks for any help.
Budi 17 March 2009 at 5:57
Hi..when I had first look to this theme,I really love it. Only when I was uploading the themes not easy…btw I use this theme for my personal blog.
Thanks :)
Shay 19 March 2009 at 20:24
Has anyone had problems getting the archive to work with this template? I tried adding it but it’s all jumbled up. I’d love to have a monthly list if I could figure it out.
Desi 25 March 2009 at 13:01
Hola! Me encanta esta plantilla pero mi problema es que no se como ponerla en mi blog. Soy usuario de bloguer y siempre he utilizado las aburridas plantillas que vienen por eso no tengo ni idea de como poner esta. ¡Ayuda porfavor!
Rachel 6 April 2009 at 1:20
Besides the date issue, which I wasn’t able to fix with the help from above, the entire layout is off. The “notebook” is being cut off & not continuous on the page. The blog titles on the right are shifted into my blog post. I will not be using this unless I can get some help.
Anthony 9 April 2009 at 1:31
This template is great. The only (non-major) problem is that the Recent Posts section is only available if the blog is public, but mine is set to private (its for my students only). Is there any way to fix this? It seems like it would be simple, but I have no clue. Also, being able to append an author name to each post would be great too!
Anthony acorn[nospace]revolution at yahoo
Kay 10 April 2009 at 10:41
I too was having a tough time with the ‘undefined’ month and day tab. I finally figured it out based on the comments below. To be more specific you need to go to the Settings–>Formatting section and change specifically the ‘Timestamp Format’ criteria to be ‘Day, Month Day Year’. For example: Friday, April 10, 2009.
Hope this makes it easier for everyone.
Kay 10 April 2009 at 12:16
Love this template…only have 2 questions:
How do I add something to the Categories?
According to these posts…the Search function isn’t working correctly…when I go to the GosuBlogger link–it mentions that there’s an issue with it but the actual code itself in order to fix the problem does not display. Can anyone help?
Kay 10 April 2009 at 12:53
Nevermind…figured out on my own how Categories work.
Just need help with the Search function–if anyone is out there…
Kye Sioban 14 April 2009 at 16:43
I love this template!! i think its soo beautiful. i owuldnt upload for some reason though- something to do with XML files. Can you tell me how to upload the XML version? please keep in mind that i’m not computer savvy-at all. : ) thanks!!
Marcos LIma 15 April 2009 at 21:55
Olá baixei e instalei. Muito legal mesmo.
Porém a data da postagem não aparece e aparece a palavra “undefined” COMO FAÇO PARA CORRIGIR ISSO????
Aguardo um retorno.
Desde já agradeço.
Deus te abeçoe
Gina 19 April 2009 at 8:50
Is this help forum still available?
I’m having many of the same problems listed above, but I can’t decipher which answers go to which questions. I got the skin on but now the toolbar that allows me to access my own blog for posting, etc. is gone. I can’t even find a place to sign in!
Also can’t find the link with instructions on this page.
Having the issue of Home, About and Archives links not working AND the “undefined” tag unchangeable. Is that where a date goes.
Please help! I’m not very computer literate!
Gina 19 April 2009 at 9:27
For those having trouble accessing their dashboard, signing in, posting, etc.: I was able to at least get “in” by deleting the page information in the blog address box and typing “sign in” –so it looked like this: It took me to my dashboard. Haven’t solved my other issues but this at least helps!
ika 21 April 2009 at 7:46
thank you….I used this template and so far it works well…
as I know…the undefined tag cannot be changed….but the link about and archive can be functioned by modify the html code….search About..then change the / with your link exp:….
Lilith 21 April 2009 at 17:53
I did the download of this template but when I try to save the layout comes this message:
Os widgets serão excluídos
Confirme a exclusão dos itens a seguir. Toda a configuração dos itens será perdida.
* Text2
* TextList1
* TextList2
* Text3
Can you tellme what sould I do?
Sorry about my english
Thank you from Portugal
ANGECLOCK 28 April 2009 at 11:56
laptop batteries 29 April 2009 at 21:44
SO beautiful a template.. i love this.
Bayilik 1 May 2009 at 2:18
Hi Claudia!
This is a great theme. Thanks fot it..
karem 3 May 2009 at 15:23
Hola necesito que me ayudes.
cuando hago la descarga en download.. me aparece un archivo comprimido con tan solo dos carpetas: el Notepad-chaos (hay un icono de la tierra al medio) que me abre la web pero no me aparece nada y la otra carpeta readme pero mencionandome solo los pasos.
Batoola 6 May 2009 at 12:40
It’s absolutely Fabulous!
Thanks a lot :)
Dani Antunes 22 May 2009 at 17:35
Thanks so much. This is so cute! :)
Eğitim 24 May 2009 at 14:35
thanks you beatifull
Syera 30 May 2009 at 9:04
I loveee tis design! Its gorgeous! but how do i download it? my comp cant open the XML file..
techbreaking 2 June 2009 at 5:38
thanks thanks thanks :) very much
La niña X 9 June 2009 at 3:31
Esta de lujo esta plantilla, me gusto mucho, despues de 2 horas de busqueda quede muy conforme…. gracias por el aporte…. un saludo…
Kurtlar Vadisi Gladio 10 June 2009 at 17:08
thanks you beatifull
amazprice 12 June 2009 at 1:51
All top downloads theme from your site are beautiful, also include this template. Thank you.
blokshare 18 June 2009 at 10:31
good theme
manoz 24 June 2009 at 6:58
hey claudia,
I am still amused with the archives in the top most part. I am not hosting blog by my own. I need here is a archive list of category and label in my blogspot. i.e. i could not link the archive to any other stuff or other page since i use blogger and blogger dont offer multiple page except the posting
SEO-Barcelona 26 June 2009 at 3:44
I love it!! It’s really fantastic, thanks!!
Accounting Homework 27 June 2009 at 0:04
This is a wonderful site…everything is laid out well and is fun to use. I hope there will be more new sites in the future
eğitim haberleri 8 July 2009 at 6:16
thanks very nices
Jennifer 8 July 2009 at 17:20
I had the same problem with the ‘undefined’ for the date… I found this on another website I did it to mine and it fixed it! (
I locked specific sections such as recent posts and categories you cannot edit these sections , you do not need to edit too. I created a section for you below the link list section where you can add any widget to there. Also i installed embed comment form of Blogger , if it does not work make sure you chose embed comment form from your blog settings. When you upload it to your blog , you will see times as undefined , to get rid of this problem you should follow the following steps : Setting >> Formatting >> TimeStamp Format and now chose the 4th one and save it. Another thing i have to tell you is that you cannot see recent posts on template while previewing , you have to save it to see recent posts.
ahmed 11 July 2009 at 21:59
thanx alot :D
edji 22 July 2009 at 5:02
who want to share with me the link please copy and paste the URL of this,,,
riverindonesia.blogspot.comdan tell you the URL in the comments on the post thanks
SHINsen 23 July 2009 at 3:45
got a problem with the date..please post instructions…tnx
Jesusholic 24 July 2009 at 22:45
how do you put a page for the “about” tab at the top???
and wat about the “acrchives” tab???
Vinoth 25 July 2009 at 2:40
To be frank I don’t like this template but wondering how it is getting more visits and downloads
Serena 29 July 2009 at 15:24
Okay, so I’ve fixed the “Friends and Links” part to display properly….but does anyone know how to actually ADD links and stuff there? Not sure how to do this….HELP!!
P.S. Beautiful design!!
4-mobile 4 August 2009 at 2:47
nice them thanxx
swaar 4 August 2009 at 2:49
im go to load :D
joe 7 August 2009 at 7:02
thx, it’s really great :D
syniezam 11 August 2009 at 13:24
very nice and beautiful, background is awesome..
so cute and so so so small..just like my diary on a table..haha
yoxx 14 August 2009 at 6:06
awesome work… whoaaa this is a masterpiece!
Elías Daniel Galván A. 14 August 2009 at 9:08
Saludos a todos, y por razones de espacio me avoco a entrar en materia.
Esta plantilla me gustó mucho, y decidí implementarla en mi blog; y al parecer me encontré con los “problemas” que otros ya habían tenido. Con la finalidad de que otros más no pasen por los mismos contratiempos hice este breve recuento de los “problemas” más comunes y cómo resolverlos:
i) Problema: “Tengo un problema con la fecha, sale undefined”.
Solución: “Tienes que ajustar el formato de la hora en configuración – formato. Es necesario que se ajuste a el formato tipo “viernes, agosto 14, 2009″. Cualquier otro formato dará como resultado: undefined”.
ii) P: “La imagen friends&links aparece incompleta (recortada)”.
S1: Agregando al menos un link, se compone esa aparente falla.
S2: también dieron otra solución para que la imagen respectiva no aparezca “recortada”. La escribió ZergCow el 2009feb13, se puede consultar en un post anterior. Esta solución es buena si no deseas agregar link alguno; la imagen ya no aparecerá incompleta.
iii) P: “En ‘recent post’ no aparece ningún título de post, siendo que tengo varios ya publicados”.
R: Por principio, para que se vean los títulos de los post’s ya publicados, es necesario que el blog sea abierto a todo publico; si su lectura está restringida a sólo sus autores el espacio para ‘recent post’ aparecerá vacío.
iv) P: “En ‘recent post’ me aparece una lista demasiado larga. Son más títulos de post’s de los que me gustaría se vieran”.
Comentario: En el espacio para ‘recent post’ pueden aparecer un máximo de 15 post’s, si se tienen más de 15 sólo se verán los 15 más recientes, y si tienes menos de 15 solo verás los que tienes.
R: Epiphany (2008oct04) dio la respuesta: Para modificar el número de post’s que se muestran, ingresa al código de la plantilla y busca:
var numposts = 15;
Modifica el valor 15 por el número de post’s que desees visualizar. En mi blog utilizo sólo 4.
v) P: No aparece “escrito por *autor del post*” o “Publish by *autor del post*”.
R: El diseñador de la plantilla desidió que no aparezca ese dato. Así que la única solución es que le ‘metas mano’ a la plantilla y le anexes el código; no es recomendable para novatos.
Comentario: Al igual que no aparece el dato del autor del post tampoco aparece el envío por correo electrónico del contenido del post, ni aparece el icono del lapiz para edición rapida cuando se esta logeado a blogger.
vi) P: “¿El texto que está escrito en inglés puede ser traducido al español, modificando algún código en la plantilla?”
R: No. Para cambiar los textos es necesario trabajar las imagenes con algún programa de edición. Una vez hecho lo anterior, se suben a blogger y ya puedes trabajar tu blog completamente en español. Si le echas un vistazo a mi blog verás que parcialmente lo he modificado al español.
Hay varios detalles más que, por falta de tiempo, no he comentado. Pero de cualquier manera espero que lo que he escrito te sea de utilidad.
Muchos saludos a las personas que se toman la gran molestia de crear plantillas tan bonitas y compartirlas con otras personas de manera altruista. Muchas gracias a todos ellos.
Elías Daniel Galván A.
sakizimu 16 August 2009 at 4:52
All top downloads theme from your site are beautiful, also include this template. Thank you….
jessica 17 August 2009 at 8:31
Thanks so much for the template! After reading all the comments the only thing I didnt figure out was the little 1/2 friends & links thing :( I got everything else working!!
(I’m still uploading my posts to it)
Andy 18 August 2009 at 18:40
Hola, me encanta esta plantilla y le deseo colocar hora a los post que escriba y le pido su ayuda para poder hacerlo. No se que codigo colocarle y en donde. Entonces cualquier ayuda es bienvenida y se los agradecere muchisimo.
mann 19 August 2009 at 3:39
Help me.. i cannot change the ‘undefined’ time format even i’ve tried to change the time format in formating tab with all time format given. The instuction says it should be changed to this format: Saturday, 5 May, 2009.I cannot find such format anyway. i just find Saturday, May 5, 2009.
Elvian 19 August 2009 at 3:50
I can’t change my fonts and colors(the column is empty), is that normal? please help me, thank you very much!!!
Elvian 19 August 2009 at 4:04
To fix the date showing up as “Undefined”, you have to go to “Settings”–>”Formattings”–>”Timestamp Format” and choose the 4th one.
teldair 21 August 2009 at 19:39
I know to get the nav bar back you delete a little part of the code. But when the nav bar is there it changes how the home, about and archive tabs look and work, and messes up the search button. Is there anyway around this without losing the navbar?
Also, how do I make those same 3 buttons (home, about and archives) point to what they’re supposed to point to (ie, archives to archived posts, about to the blurb at the bottom, or to my profile page?)
Thanks to whoever is still here reading all this:)
teldair 21 August 2009 at 19:44
One more thing. The area at the bottom that says about this blog, when i write something in it, and save it, all that shows up is a blue line under the word blog. Is there a fix for that?
Thanks again