Free Blogger Templates

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BloggerTube Blogger Template


Free Download Live Demo


Mobile screenshot


  1. How to install a Blogger template.
  2. Additional Settings:
    • This template looks better if you set the posts per page in a multiple of 3. Eg. 9 posts per page.
    • In order to display the correctly, you need to follow a specific format in your posts. Check the template settings to see the format. t.

About BloggerTube

Introducing BloggerTube, a free premium-quality Blogger template featuring 2 columns, right sidebar, gallery-style layout, rounded corners, exclusive Blogger theme, image slider and post thumbnails

Perfect for blogs covering general topics, business, movies, music or creative portfolios.

More Premium Blogger templates:


Author: Dante Araujo.

239 Questions and comments on BloggerTube

Nany Rodriguez 31 March 2010 at 16:21

Gracias Claudia yo no te puedo invitar cerbeza tengo 15 jajajaja

pero te debere una gracias por todo!

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Marcelo 31 March 2010 at 16:28

ya los cambié todo con mucho cuidado…pero por lo menos me aparecen las flechas blancas en los lados……..imagino que tendré que esperar ????

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Claudia 31 March 2010 at 16:50

De nada! :)

Estaba viendo en las instrucciones y en la edición de HTML de la plantilla cómo configurar el easyslider (en tu caso debería funcionar bien, porque ya cambiaste las URLs correspondientes). Como todo indica que el slider funciona en relación al widget de posts recientes que se ve en el demo, la solución es que lo agregues (el contenido del widget está en el archivo zip).
Por cierto, no le hago el quite a una cerveza.

Un saludo ;)

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Marcelo 31 March 2010 at 17:00

gracias Claudia

he revisado todo y agregué tambien en el widget del post recent, pero nada

estaba viendo, sera esto?
<script src=';

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Marcelo 31 March 2010 at 17:12

Claudia: va la cerveza ..te envio un MP a tu FB

gracias por la ayuda..vere si puedo arreglar esto

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polen22 1 April 2010 at 13:52

help pls !! i have problem w/Automatic video thumbnails on home page &
Automatic slider for the last featured videos

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Claudia 1 April 2010 at 20:17

Tienes que crear un nuevo gadget de HTML/Javascript y pegar ahí el contenido del archivo de texto que dice “Recent Videos” ;)

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Marcelo 1 April 2010 at 23:07

Hola Claudia

elimine el gadget que habia…y lo volvi a agregar de nuevo haciendo los cambios en lalinea e codigo que tu indicas y nada….

yo creo que debo tener algo modificado en la template….creo que serámejor cargarla de nuevo…..te cuento

te envie un MP a tu FB…..lo viste?

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jamee 5 April 2010 at 20:36

For the blogger tube template, where do I place all those codes/scripts that’s on the Notepad? (dante.js and easySlider.js.js and galleryvideo2.js) I know I can’t just throw them in, so where exactly do they go? Thanks.

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Pieter Franciscus 11 April 2010 at 10:48

why the same video, when you put a new video in you see it twice if you want to have a look to the site first Michael and in the side widget again Michael that is double can you change that the post from the frontpage are not seen on recent post? but only example 8 post on the home page yes? then that 8 not on recent post but 9 to 40

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Augusto 14 April 2010 at 6:01

For this template, you HAVE to read the instructions. Just click the “Template Settings” link…..

Ok, but I’m not yet able to find the link…could you kindly give me?

Thanks a lot

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Starsakti 19 April 2010 at 4:03

nice n cool template. Thank’s You

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jamee 22 April 2010 at 13:15

@jamee: Never mind. I’m using something else that’s not disorganized. Beautiful template. Horrible customer service.

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Puentes 27 April 2010 at 15:50

Video tutorial teaching post in that template, very good


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ikhsan 3 May 2010 at 19:02

fantastik!!! thanks to admin

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jose 8 May 2010 at 23:47

Fantástico trabajo.
Estoy probandolo en mi blog y funciona al 100%.
Solo una cuestión:
En la demo en el inicio se ven 9 videos y en mi sitio solo 7.
¿Que tengo que modificar para q salga igual?

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Claudia 9 May 2010 at 21:30

Anda a Configuración -> Formato -> Mostrar un máximo de 9 entradas en la página principal.

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Transmutando 16 May 2010 at 0:32

Reforço todas as qualidades que possuem o teu templantes.
Contudo encontrei um grande problema pela frente: O templante não aceitou o ferramenta de pesquisa da google. Assim, não consigo pesquisar pelos vídeos que desejo… Isto causa um enorme incômodo, pois tenho a espectativa de postar uns 10000 vídeos… Vai ficar muito difícil de encontrá-los sem uma ferramenta de pesquisa.
Tem como resolvir isto?
Muito Grato!

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bindutz 17 May 2010 at 7:51

@Claudia: how to change this bloggertube into a bloggerimage gallery.. it s gonna amaze me..!! i need that gallery..!! hehe..

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bhocil 25 May 2010 at 3:48

cool template….
good and perfect….

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MARIO 31 May 2010 at 5:28


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Automotive 1 June 2010 at 12:01

I think the idea is very cool, but as for me, this is not anything original and useful, because it only works with videos from YouTube. YouTube here, YouTube there, YouTube everywhere ………….

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mecheal 8 June 2010 at 13:54

hi can you please help me to download this template or please send me the xml/html code for this template!!!!!! thanks….

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SDADFASF 8 June 2010 at 13:56


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alejandro 9 June 2010 at 1:01

pongan asi en publicacion html en su blog

ejempl. y le añaden endofvid

abajo le ponen


luego le ponen la descripcion del video de youtube

y luego abajo asi


asi tiene que quedar:
concierto en morelia de tiesto

asi lo publican y listo
saludos a todos….. :)

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tarcicio 19 June 2010 at 17:48

Está claro que não funciona. É record de reclamações. Só da erro.

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Paul 25 June 2010 at 21:01

Great template! I love it.

Have some problems though.. My tabs are not working…’About’ and ‘Contact’ – it’s not directing to the right page.
I can’t figure out whats the problem.. new to blogging and html.

Really need your help…I’ve googled for some possible solutions can’t find any.

Thanks a lot

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Francisco 25 June 2010 at 21:45

@Paul You can find the answer to your questions in our FAQ section.

Paul 27 June 2010 at 20:48


My menu tabs are working fine on Internet Explorer except that the layout is messed up. But it’s not working on Firefox. It just redirects to the homepage. Firefox issue?

how do i post the html code here? so you can see it. tried copy/paste but it converts the code to link.

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Felipe Fonseca 30 June 2010 at 21:08

Muy bueno_

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dexde 17 July 2010 at 23:55

thumnail image why I do not want to come ?????

This guidance please

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Nathan Campos 20 July 2010 at 19:22

Hello, Claudia and Dante!

I would like to help on one thing.
I want to put a banner on my blog. similar to what I did this:, but can not.
Can you tell me how?
Much appreciated!

A big hug!

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julia 22 July 2010 at 8:27

Not SEO frendly, google desc. is like: youtubevid [starttext] blablabla [endtext] , and tons of tags and scripts in website source… for personal use only …. BUT TEMPLATE IS COOL

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Anyone 23 July 2010 at 10:06

where? -> Read Instructions > Template Settings

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ipan ripai 28 July 2010 at 13:11

izin download dulu mas…

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Jonas 5 September 2010 at 12:27

@Anderson: plz , do you explan us how post redtube on blogger tube , anderson?

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bianca wu 8 September 2010 at 12:27

tankyou very so much!

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nips101 10 September 2010 at 9:29

hi claudia… i need some help with the slider and number of post in the front page. the slider wont slide automatically and then the number of post on front page remains 7 even if i change post number to 9 and so on. i also tried the hack for the title, i mean page title then blog title and i think it needs a different code for this template. i really appreciate if anyone replies… ^_^
more power to all!

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tian 24 September 2010 at 3:01

Thanks,, it really help me

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saad 30 September 2010 at 3:04

the template is just AWESOME… but the problem is the blog loads very slow. and when it fully load it stuck when i scroll up and down…i think its because of there is “Recent Videos” on the side bar and “Post” below… there should be recent videos on not post… instead of post there should be only description and comments etc….the feature of description you made in the video is cool but it should be in the post area…. (sorry if im not able to explain what im thinking…englisg is little weak)

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saad 6 October 2010 at 21:50

@Abu Farhan: hello i need help. the video player is not showing o the page…what to do?

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Kevin Nguyen 11 October 2010 at 0:52

wow,This is a nice template for video blogs.
I love it


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Joanna 16 October 2010 at 9:00

slidebar doesn’t work. Help me

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Carlos Darte 28 October 2010 at 13:53

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 28 Out 2010

Dear Dante,
Fantastique, your work is fabulous.

I like very much. Thanks!

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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Daniel 11 November 2010 at 4:42

The EasySlider scrip at this template seems to have stopped working, even in the demo here at Btamplates.
I suspect it may be due to some sort of bug/problem with the hosting of the script at Btemplates, since the script apparently stopped working everywhere.

Is there a way to fix it here?! Or, can anybody let me know how to host the script mayself?! I tried doing it via 4shared, but seems I’m doing something wrong (dunno if I need to install the script, or get the url right).

Tks a lot!

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Claudia 13 November 2010 at 16:30

@Daniel: You must upload the javascript files by yourself.

If you have a Google account, you can create an account in Google Code ( to upload your javascript files. Once all your js files are upload, you must click on them (one by one) with the left button of your mouse and then the right button to get the direct url to the file.

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Julius 5 December 2010 at 19:56

you need to press CRTL+F to find the text it will highlight what URL youd looking for

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sehrish khan 16 December 2010 at 9:56

a simply like that good work

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Houston 23 December 2010 at 16:18

Can I change the logo on the page… I don’t like this name( Blogger Tube :P)…so can I change it?…

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Claudia 25 December 2010 at 16:08

@Houston: If you already installed the template, you’ll see that you can change the title of your blog in Settings/Basic.

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marcelino 14 January 2011 at 16:40

necesito ayuda, quisiera que me ayudarán desde el principio;
osea, desde como cambiar mi plantilla de blog por este blogertube
porque ya descargue la plantilla pero son muchas carpetas pero como le
hago para subirlo a mi blog,
disculpenme pero no tengo idea de como subir tantas carpetas,
lo unico que se es que puedo cambiar mi plantilla por otra, pero
se me complica con este templete porque tiene muchas carpetas.

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marcelino 14 January 2011 at 16:43

I need help, I would like to help me from the beginning;
bone, from how to change my blog template for this blogertube
because you download the template but many folders but as I
can I upload to my blog
excuse me but I have no idea how to upload as many folders
what I know is that I can change my template to another, but
I compounded this shrine because it has many folders.
IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME, HEART they are grateful.
THANK ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

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Claudia 15 January 2011 at 19:14

@marcelino You can find the answer to your questions and more in our FAQ section.

saad 21 January 2011 at 16:25

this is not working..plz help me

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marcelino 21 January 2011 at 18:08

hello, again giving trouble:
I would like, I would love to see my template porfabor
to see if you help me.
because it is not like putting down the videos this:
1 2 3 4 5 next
I would greatly appreciate it.

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marcelino 21 January 2011 at 18:13

OSEA that looks like:
12345 Next

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ryz 28 January 2011 at 7:04

amazing template, thanks! :D

NB:If you get trouble with slider, see Abu Farhan’s links..

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dercy de sousa alves 8 February 2011 at 14:37

gostaria de sua ajuda, já enviei e-mail p/ você mai não tive resposta.
se vc acessar por este meio gostaria de inserir o templates de video para a tv que pretendo colocar para video de 3 a 4 volunas
mais não consigo sempre da erro no html.
gostaria de saber de como trocar o templates de meu blog.
grato por sua resposta

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Luciano 10 February 2011 at 12:45

It doesnt work for me. I’ve changed the .js links uploading them into my own hosting… Can’t make it work…

I need it :(

Answer me by e-mail please

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pujangga 16 February 2011 at 13:33

cool template.. 100% worked n tested :) Thx

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hopla 20 February 2011 at 19:11

yep, just tried it, and it works… not very flexible though…. a template for artists which are active in more than one field – like me – in music, photography and poetry would be great… how can i add mp3 to a blogger web page template?

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ligportali 27 February 2011 at 9:44

good template thank u

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