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Anthropod Blogger Template


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About Anthropod

Anthropod is a free Blogger template with 2 columns and left sidebar.

Excellent template for blogs about photography.

More templates by Teknomobi:


Author: Teknomobi.
Designer: .

4 Questions and comments on Anthropod

Monica 16 June 2010 at 17:59

I love this one! Any idea on how to make that top image box a slideshow or a video? It doesn’t seem to want to accept HTML other than an image.

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Kendra 2 February 2011 at 19:59

Does anyone know how to fix this template? The picture isn’t changing when you click on them anymore for some reason. I’d really like to use this, but I don’t like that there’s 4 pictures and you can only really view one of them. Can anyone help, please?

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pan 16 February 2011 at 16:08

Hi, can you tell me if somehow I can remove the picture from the template?

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Claudia 17 February 2011 at 14:27

@pan: Go to Design/Edit HTML and find the following code:

<div id='gallery-wrapper'>
<div id='gallery'> <img alt='' class='output' src=''/>
<div id='thumbnail-bg'>
<ul class='thumbnails'>
<li><a href='#'><img alt='' class='active' height='375' onmouseout=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=70' onmouseover=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=100' src='' title='Monument Valley' width='604'/></a></li>
<li><img alt='' height='75' onmouseout=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=70' onmouseover=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=100' src='' title='Honey Bee' width='100'/></li>
<li><img alt='' height='75' onmouseout=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=70' onmouseover=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=100' src='' title='Cup of Coffee' width='100'/></li>
<li><img alt='' height='75' onmouseout=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=70' onmouseover=';this.filters.alpha.opacity=100' src='' title='Grand Tetons' width='100'/></li>
<br class='clear'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>

outputSelector: '.output', // Output selector
thumbnailsSelector: '.thumbnails li img', // Thumbnails selector
captionSelector: '.caption' // Caption selector

<!-- end -->

Now delete that code and save changes in your template.

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