Free Blogger Templates

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WePress Blogger Template


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  1. How to install a Blogger template.
  2. Additional Settings:
    • To add the social icons: search the corresponding file in the template folder, copy and edit the code. and paste it in a new html gadget.

About WePress

The WePress Blogger template is a versatile and elegant design, adapted from WordPress, making it a perfect choice for various types of websites. With its 3-column layout, right sidebar, and responsive design, it ensures a seamless user experience across all devices. The template also includes essential features like post thumbnails, related posts, and threaded comments, enhancing both functionality and engagement.

Designed with a sleek black and gray color scheme, WePress offers a professional and modern look, suitable for business, entertainment, news, and photography websites. The background pattern and metal textures add a unique touch, while the custom 404 page and breadcrumbs improve navigation. Additionally, the template is ads-ready, making it ideal for monetizing your content effortlessly.

WePress stands out with its premium features, including a slideshow, gallery, and social tabs, which help showcase your content dynamically. The footer columns and pagination further enhance the user experience, making it easy to explore your site. Whether you're running a magazine, gaming, or movie site, WePress provides a sophisticated and functional platform to elevate your online presence.

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Author: Templatezy.

6 Questions and comments on WePress

soc 3 November 2015 at 13:55

buenas tardes estoy realizando un blog esta plantilla me encanto pero tengo 2 incoveniente que quiero solucionar, 1 no se como colocar las redes para que me las direccione a cada red y 2 no se cargar las fotos en la plantilla me gustaria me ayudaran estoy haciendo marketing a unos autos que estan en venta donde laboro

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Francisco 6 November 2015 at 3:12

Checa el archivo PDF que viene con la plantilla. Ahí te explica ambas cosas :)

adonis 5 November 2015 at 9:14

hermano tienes que ir a la parte de html donde se modifica el codigo alli puedes colocarlo

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Baiq. Fahistiyan 10 December 2015 at 20:30

wow templatenya menarik banget..

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dawn brockman 7 February 2016 at 15:45

In love with this blogger template. And am currently tinkering with it.

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