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Notepad Blogger Template


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About Notepad

Introducing Notepad, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 3 columns, right sidebar, feminine aesthetic, floral accents and vintage aesthetic

Perfect for blogs covering home and decoration.

More Girly Blogger templates:


Author: InfoCreek.

93 Questions and comments on Notepad

Claudia 10 January 2010 at 15:09

You need to add a piece of code to the template. That code will let you and your readers comment on your blog with the embebed comment form. Did you already read our FAQ? :)

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Thea 11 January 2010 at 4:05


Yes, I already did. But I can’t find the code that I’ll replace the new one with. :|

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Claudia 12 January 2010 at 21:45

Click on “Expand Widget Templates” and use the search bar in your browser to make it easiest.

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Crystal 13 February 2010 at 21:34

Thanks so much for the lovely layout, after reading all the comments and directions in the zip, had no problems with errors…thank you… :)

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Eleonora 21 May 2010 at 16:04

Hi, I have the “undefined” problem too. I haven´t found the answer, have you?

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Claudia 22 May 2010 at 21:38

@Eleonora: Settings -> Formatting -> Timestamp format -> Saturday, May 22, 2010 ;)

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Flor de Maria 13 June 2010 at 23:12

Me encantó esta plantilla para mi blog, pero tengo un problema y es que en las entradas no logro configurar la fecha, lo he intentado de varias maneras pero no lo logro, ya hice tambièn lo que indican en su resolución de problemas con lo del cambio de fecha en la cabecera de la publicación o sea ir a la configuración pero no lo logro, porque será esto. Si pudieran ayudarme se los agradecería. Flor de Maria

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Claudia 19 June 2010 at 19:43

@Flor de Maria: Debes ir a Configración/Formato/Formato de la hora -> Sábado, Junio 19, 2010.

Debes tener cuidado en cambiar el formato de la hora, y no el de la fecha, porque no es lo mismo ;)

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Lacquer Boudoir 16 July 2010 at 14:09

Love this template. I’m having problems with the comments. After reading the FAQ, the post comment box works now.

But now the issue is that the user photo (avatar) does not show when the comments are posted. Help please?

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Claudia 16 July 2010 at 14:31

@Lacquer Boudoir: If you are using te “full page” comments option, avatars will be shown only in that page; but, if you added the embebed comment box, you need to make some changes in your template. I think we will privide that information very soon, but in the meantime you may search in google “add+avatar+blogger+comments” or something so.

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Lacquer Boudoir 16 July 2010 at 19:05


No, i’ve added embeded comment box according to your FAQ and it works fab.

Yes, full page or pop-up window I can see the avatar. Not when you’re on the blog post page, it shows the comment bit there’s an empty frame with no avatar in it.

I’ve enabled the show avatar features in settings in comments and also enable comments in blog post widget.

Still, nothing shows but an empty frame.

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Dielma 17 August 2010 at 19:50

Também estou tendo problemas com a data. Já efetuei todas as instruções adicionais, mas não altera nada. Continua aparecendo undefined. Por favor, me ajude.

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Claudia 17 August 2010 at 20:48

@Dielma: Go to Settings/Formatting and change the timestamp format (the HOUR) to “Tuesday, August 17, 2010”.

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Libreman 1 November 2010 at 13:17

Que parte del código tengo que borrar o que tengo que modificar para que no me salga al final de los posts esto:

This entry was posted on lunes, noviembre 01, 2010 and is filed under Carnes, Chef-o-Matic . You can leave a response and follow any responses to this entry through the Suscribirse a: Enviar comentarios (Atom) .

No me gusta como queda

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Claudia 2 November 2010 at 19:48

@Libreman: Go to Design/Edit HTML, click on “Expand widget templates” and remove the following code:

	<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div class='ping-track'>
This entry was posted
on <data:post.timestamp/>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
and is filed under  
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>,</b:if>
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
You can <a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl'>leave a response</a>
and follow any responses to this entry through the <b:include name='feedLinks'/>.
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Libreman 3 November 2010 at 1:35

Gracias Claudia por responder tan rápido.

Ya he realizado el cambio y queda perfecto.


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nanda vieira 2 December 2010 at 13:39

olá alguém pode me ajudar? baixei o modelo NotePad, mas aparece indefined, no lugar da data, já tentei de todas as formas como disseram para mudar o formato do dia hora e mês, e nada….continua da mesma maneira, alguém me ajude por favor? de maneira bem fácil pois não estou conseguindo…obg

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Claudia 3 December 2010 at 19:26

@nanda vieira: Go to Settings/Fornatting/Timestamp format -> “Friday, December 3, 2010”.

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Lana Cotta 19 January 2011 at 19:05

Upload of my blog has become terribly slow, out of a sudden, after more than one year all right.
What is the problem? I cannot figure out…
Thank you

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Claudia 21 January 2011 at 20:19

@Lana Cotta: The problem is not the template. Your blog is too slow for other reasons: you are showing too much posts with many not optimized images in the homepage, and you have too much widgets with scripts running.

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Lana Cotta 23 January 2011 at 12:21

Oh, thank you!
Well, I manage all the images the same way, since the very first post. I do reduce them to the web dimension through the Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Otherwise, how should I optimize images?
Then, which are the script running in my widgets? I thought I had only links!
Thank you in advance for your kind attention

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Lana Cotta 13 February 2011 at 15:15

Hallo, I haven’t received any answer to my last question.
Anyway, does someone know whether there is a new release of Notepad template? People at Blogger say the problem is the template, a script and things like that. I’ve searched Infocreek web site but the link seems to be broken…. What can I do?
Thank you

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Claudia 15 February 2011 at 14:19

@Lana Cotta: I think there won’t be a new realease of this template. To optimize your photos, just change width, height and weight. I recommend you to use a free software like “PhotoFiltre” to do this.

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Lynnette Bonner 17 June 2011 at 15:56

I, too, am trying to get the avatars to show up in their frames. Can you tell me how to do this? (They show up in the pop-up comment box, but not on the blog post itself.) Thanks,

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Kimberly 13 July 2011 at 15:45

When I make a new post the solid background is not showing up, so the post wording is on the floral background and hard to read. How do I put the solid background behind the post? Thanks

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jose 20 September 2011 at 4:25

ya tengo esta plantilla hace tiempo y va de lujo.
Pero ahora he intentado poner la opsión “leer mas” en mis entradas y no hay manera de conseguirlo

¿podeis ayudarme?

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Patricia 24 January 2012 at 5:26

I recently downloaded the Notepad blog design. I am very happy with it. I have only one problem that needs fixing and that is I am not getting comments. I tried to add a comment and the box is just not there. I am concerned that my readers are not able to leave a comment. I am also wanting the share this post bar for FB, Twitter etc to show up also. Can someone help out with this.

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Anna 23 February 2012 at 21:51

I’ve used this beautiful template for years and now suddenly the background has disappeared!

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Patricia 6 March 2012 at 17:18

Can a background be added to the header? The current header is a little, Blah!

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natalia 24 February 2013 at 20:05


me he bajado la plantilla pero por más que intento que me salga la barra de navegación (donde pone diseño, nueva entrada, etc) en la parte superior, no lo consigo. Alguien puede ayudarme?


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Sanny 15 February 2014 at 6:45

This is the most beautiful template, but it´s impossible to preview and download. What’s the problem?

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Rosa 17 June 2015 at 13:53

Olá! Baixei o template Notepad, porém estou tendo alguns problemas em relação aos comentários. Os leitores do meu blog não conseguem postar comentários na página. Alguém pode me ajudar?

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Hello 3 February 2017 at 6:17

Such a beautiful template! My special thanks to the designer

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