BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Water Spill, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 2 columns, right sidebar, grunge styling, abstract elements and vintage aesthetic
Author: Templates Block.
Volverene Evo 25 June 2010 at 4:55
Dear users of Water Spill template: If your Page Navigation Links (Older Posts, Newer Posts) are not working with this template, here’s what you need to do to fix this:
1. Goto EDIT HTML page.
2. Using CTRL+F, find any of the following link:
3. When you find any of the above two links. Replace it with the link below:
4. Click SAVE and VIEW BLOG to see the page navigation links come back again.
That’s it!
For any further assistance that you may require, please do ask :)
Thank you
Kay 6 August 2010 at 5:02
@Volverene Evo: I still have the problem…
I cannot see my Page Navigation Links
Volverene Evo 8 August 2010 at 1:39
Your page navigation links are working fine. I have checked :) Let me know if you still have the same problem.
Kay 8 August 2010 at 8:22
@Volverene Evo: yes it is now, thank you for the feedback :D
Volverene Evo 8 August 2010 at 8:23
@Kay: You’re welcome :)
Dominic 15 December 2010 at 8:52
Can I use this theme in any way on a wordpress blog?
Claudia 15 December 2010 at 13:55
@Dominic: I don’t really know if it is available for WordPress. Search in Google “Water+Spill+Wordpress+Theme”.
ben 7 February 2011 at 6:58
how i can change picture