BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing GamesWP, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 3 columns, right sidebar, ad-ready spaces, multi-column footer, image slider, social media integration, post thumbnails, navigation tabs, dropdown menu and neutral palette
Perfect for blogs covering games.
Author: PBTemplates.
Designer: FThemes.
socheat lim 18 January 2012 at 1:04
Please try to up date
Yusauf Anded 18 January 2012 at 1:22
Cool template !!!!!!!
simjenweb 18 January 2012 at 3:21
Perfect fit for game blogs.Great Work!
kira 20 January 2012 at 20:19
hola!!! me encantan sus publicaciones, me encantaria usar esta plantilla, para mi blog, pero tengo un problema, nose como cambiar los links y nombres del menu, para poder redirigir a los otros blogs, alguien me podria ayudar? en verdad se los agradeceria. les mando un abrazo y mil gracias por sus publicaciones
Shabeer 12 February 2012 at 1:16
wow nice theme
Mario 27 February 2012 at 12:07
How can I resize the right sidebar?
Yuvraj 23 April 2012 at 12:07
thanks very much using this as my theme…:) thumbs up