Free Blogger Templates

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TheFocus Blogger Template

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  1. How to install a Blogger template.

About TheFocus

TheFocus is a versatile and visually appealing Blogger template designed to elevate your website's aesthetics and functionality. With its clean 3-column layout and fixed width, it offers a structured yet modern design that ensures your content stands out. The template features a right sidebar, drop-down menu, and rounded corners, adding a polished and professional touch to your site.

Adapted from WordPress, TheFocus combines simplicity with advanced features like post thumbnails, slideshow, and tabs, making it ideal for showcasing your content dynamically. Its blue and brown color scheme, paired with a white background, creates a balanced and inviting look that suits a variety of niches.

Additionally, TheFocus integrates social media elements, ensuring your audience stays connected. Whether you're running a blog, portfolio, or business site, this template provides the tools to create an engaging and user-friendly experience.

More Adapted from WordPress Blogger templates:


Author: PBTemplates.
Designer: .

6 Questions and comments on TheFocus

Quaisha T 28 March 2012 at 23:49

Love the template but after I downloaded and tried to install, the XML file with the slider gave me this error:

Syntax error. missing a “<" or something like that. But after a few tries, blogger accepted the file. That was weird but it seems to be working now.

Thank you!

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Lester 22 April 2012 at 16:53

Hi there mr. Lasantha,

I’m writing to congratulate you for the nice job and initiative to share it with us, dummies.

I’m beginning to write my second blog, the first one plain text, and I’m using your Focus template.

I found out how to change the main menu itens and subitems. But how can I atribute a new post written on the control panel, to one item or subitem, so when a reader wants to find a post from a given subject, he goes directly on that menu/submenu item.

Kind regards,


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Talukdar Galib 23 April 2012 at 19:02


your template is good but i have a problem with it. when i install it on my blog it shows only one post on my first page :( . after chaking my back-end i change formating option and set Show at most 5 post. but still it showing only one post in my front page.

Please help me..

Thank you…….

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Bob Findlay 7 May 2012 at 19:42


I took a punt and copied & pasted the html from another main menu. I the replaced the html that I wanted, these creating a ‘new’ page.

I’m no computer buff & it took me 3 attempts but it eventually worked.

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ivan 30 September 2012 at 11:26

terima kasih buat templatenya….ijin download,sangat membantu…salam sejahtera,sukses selalu

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ivan 30 September 2012 at 11:27

Thank you for permission to download the template …., very helpful … best wishes

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