Free Blogger Templates

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Communist Blogger Template


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About Communist

Introducing Communist, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 2 columns, left sidebar and rounded corners

Perfect for blogs covering personal journals, home and decoration or photography.

More Adapted from WordPress Blogger templates:


Author: Bloggertricks.
Designer: .

15 Questions and comments on Communist

davide 16 October 2008 at 3:42

i want the html code!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s beautiful layout! please

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Natasha 19 October 2008 at 23:39

Esse é um dos templates mais lindos, parabéns!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Kevin Davis 29 October 2008 at 12:43

Can you change out the small pic in the header (the one of the little girls fee)?

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c james 21 November 2008 at 19:43

This is the most beautiful, modern template I have seen in a long time. I have one question though, is it possible to change the “little girl legs” graphic to something else, like with the name of my site and a tag line?

c james.

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juan david 8 January 2009 at 20:31

agradeseria si alguien me puede ayudar a quitar el titulo de la pagina en esta plantilla mi correo es

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Robin 26 February 2009 at 22:42

can I get the xml template. I download it and try to open the file and it comes to an error. This may be operator error on my part but i tried many option to open up the file. please help!

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janelle 26 July 2009 at 18:34

I also REALLY like this one! Is there a way to get the html colde? I, like others, have had problems trying to download teh xml template. Please help.

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sojdanielle 20 August 2009 at 16:43

I also need to take the little girl’s feed from the template in order to use it. It is all one photos. I edited the girl’s feet out of the photo, re uploaded it and the sizing is off. Not sure why b/c the image size say 1000 X 297 and that’s the size I made it. However, it’s still not working! This would be an AWESOME template but the feet really mess it up.

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sojdanielle 20 August 2009 at 16:44

I apologize for the typos, my computer is freezing on and off.

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OHearnT 12 November 2009 at 4:02

Beautiful. New to blogging, without the HTML code available, is modifying the images impossible? Love the layout…

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Cristina 21 January 2010 at 12:19

Good afternoon, I adored this template and already placed it in mine blog, I would like to modify it for 3 columns and moreover the date is not to function, could help me?

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Aurelia 22 July 2010 at 19:16

I love the template and would really like to use it for my blog. But the image of the feet do present an issue… Is there any way that I could change it for something else? Thank you!

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Sarah T. 24 June 2011 at 7:30

I love using this template but now I am wondering if there is a way to make it a 3 column blog? My right column is starting to get a wee bit clogged. Having a column on the left would help. How would I go about adding a column on the left side?

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Deo 26 August 2011 at 21:45

Hi, I use this template and I love it, i would like to do that is possible to make the same template with 3 or 4 colums. Is it possible?

Tks a lot

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Ricardo 14 December 2011 at 17:38

Não consigo fazer download deste espectacular template. Será que alguém faz o favor de me facultar o html do mesmo? Obviamente que darei crédito, colocando o respectivo link no meu blogue.

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