BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Seabreeze, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 2 columns, right sidebar, clean, fresh appearance, grunge styling and floral accents
Perfect for blogs covering personal journals or nature.
Author: Falcon Hive.
Designer: Dreamtemplate.
Deluxe Templates 11 February 2009 at 6:38
its cool, I like it
Silvia 16 February 2009 at 5:14
I love it!
Elena 22 February 2009 at 15:50
Hi every body! I really like this template but i cant install it on my blog, when i upload the template, an error appears: bX-y6cz0v. Is not the fist time, ive tried to update the template sometimes before but i always got an error like bx-blablabla. Could somebody help me? Thanks!!!!
Huw 2 March 2009 at 16:25
Hi – lovely template. I’m new to this and can’t work out how to change replace the ‘Blog Title Here’ text with my own title!
Anyone help? Many thanks.
c lo 9 March 2009 at 13:41
Huw – go to “edit html” and you have to find the text “blog-title-here” and type in your own text.
QUESTION hopefully for the maker! Oh my blog, I usually label/tag my entries with multiple labels/tags and there is not enough space for that and the multiple tagged entries text ended up over lapping with the tag text. Can someone let me know how to make the tag/label area just one line larger?
Naina 27 March 2009 at 1:07
Liked your blog.
This is hope and we are working for few NGOs and promote living values among people. You can get in touch with us if you are looking for inspiration or motivation.
Marga 2 April 2009 at 3:17
Hola, estoy intentando poner en marcha un blog con esta plantilla y me gustaría saber como funcionan los 5 cuadros que aparecen al final de todo “partners”.
yuli 15 June 2009 at 9:32
great but i need more space to write.
vivapinay 24 June 2009 at 3:48
very nice template. I will be using this in my blog.
Julie 16 July 2009 at 21:11
Oi, eu estou sem permissão para baixar esse template…
Como consigo? Adoraria utilizar esse template! É lindo…
beijos =***
SHEKHAR SAHU 12 January 2010 at 9:12
very refreshing, but i need more sidebars
Farren 1 June 2010 at 12:23
Hey, I love this template but I can’t get “BLOG-TITLE-HERE” to change. I have looked through the HTML and cannot find this text. Please help!
ammar 9 April 2012 at 1:10
Woww… It`s wonderful template… thanks alot..
Dewi Asri 9 February 2014 at 22:27
The mix of black and beatiful flower, I like it