BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Simplo Black, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 2 columns, right sidebar and neutral palette
Author: BloggerThemes. Designer: Site5.
Very nice theme! I’m really love this template design, layout, and it’s colour. And I’ve been modified some elements like link’s colour, etc.
To the author, please update this theme. I’ve been used this theme for a years ago and now this template no longer SEO ready.
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Pesona Gaib 16 February 2011 at 21:01
Very nice theme! I’m really love this template design, layout, and it’s colour. And I’ve been modified some elements like link’s colour, etc.
Pesona Gaib 19 December 2012 at 22:34
To the author, please update this theme. I’ve been used this theme for a years ago and now this template no longer SEO ready.