BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing City Girl, a free Blogger template featuring 2 columns, right sidebar, rounded corners, exclusive Blogger theme, feminine aesthetic and vector graphics
Perfect for blogs covering people.
Author: ChicaBlogger.
pelops 6 February 2011 at 11:32
adorei esse tema
Jaquison Batista Neres 21 February 2011 at 18:02
Gostaria de Usar esse Template no meu Blog. Já fiz o Dowload, e agora?
Claudia 21 February 2011 at 23:59
@Jaquison Batista Neres You can find the answer to your questions and more in our FAQ section.
Marge 24 March 2012 at 2:44
I think blogger updated their way for rendering or publishing themes. i had to change from this theme to another because the post background turned sky blue and the picture of the girl was cut in half =(
surabhi 27 October 2012 at 2:06
THANKYOU!! I can’t imagine my blog without this template :)