BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Mondo, a free Blogger template originally designed for WordPress featuring 2 columns, right sidebar, ad-ready spaces, multi-column footer, image slider, social media integration, post thumbnails, navigation tabs and dropdown menu
Author: PBTemplates.
Designer: FThemes.
145BURNTTREE 30 October 2011 at 20:12
If you expand a template from 960 to 1200px, what do you do so the top social goes where it’s supose to?
#top-social-profiles img{margin:0 0 0 6px !important}
#top-social-profiles img:hover{opacity:0.8}
#top-social-profiles .widget-container{background:none;padding:0}
Uberfied 6 November 2011 at 1:23
I am having trouble with the Tabs on the template without a slider. It is not functioning at all. The content of the three tabs is being displayed as three normal widgets without their function (view) being linked to the corresponding tabs. The slider template tabs work correctly so i know their is a problem with the coding in the template without the slider that is included in the download.
I would love to use the template with no slider as well on a sub-domain but without the tabs working – I can’t.
Is there a way to resolve this?
Great slider template though!
145BURNTTREE 6 November 2011 at 14:57
My message has been edited.
ReDoc 7 November 2011 at 12:55
I would like to know how I can either shorten the preview of my posts as it pretty much shows up all of my post, or even remove the “read more” option please.
nishant bhakta 7 January 2012 at 22:18
whats going on this templet…….
why photo slider is not sliding…….
Forhad Sadi 11 January 2012 at 11:15
Hy… My slide is not working on this temp…. Please tell me how I can….
christian 6 October 2012 at 9:24
In this template there is a very big problem with comment reply. Reply button doesn’t work.
Is it possible to fix that ?
Thank you,