BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
Introducing Super Clean, a free premium-quality Blogger template featuring 2 columns, right sidebar, gallery-style layout, modern Web 2.0 aesthetic, rounded corners, minimalist design, exclusive Blogger theme, image slider, post thumbnails and neutral palette
Perfect for blogs covering fashion or photography.
Author: Templates Novo Blogger.
belkiss 19 September 2013 at 11:45
please how to create sub pages or a Drop Down Menu to this template ?
NBI ADMIN 16 November 2013 at 13:13
OMG!!! what a awesome template, i never thought my blog can loook this much great, thanks….. i just have one issue some words are misplaced like, great India?, readmore etc.??? any solution
sam 30 January 2014 at 10:23
Please help! I’m new to blogger but I need this for my school project.
I wonder about how to add drop down menu bar for this template?
Thanks in advance.
keripik mak irit 18 March 2014 at 9:14
i wanna say… indonesian sounds like “gila…keren banget ni mau ijin buat menggunakan templet ini ya?”
Iloo 16 April 2014 at 14:48
Lovely Theme but I don’t understand how to change the image link to the article on the homepage…
Thanks for your help.
Magnifique thème, mais je ne comprends pas comment changer la petite image liée à l’article sur la page d’accueil…
Merci pour votre aide!
Deirdre 28 April 2014 at 1:36
Hi there,
Great template, I love it, thank you!
My issue is 4 posts show up on my homepage, and when I add jumpbreaks to each post to make more show up on the homepage (the amount I select in Layout>Blog Posts – 9) the ‘Read More’ on each of the homepage posts moves to an odd location.
Please help!
Deirdre 28 April 2014 at 1:39
Hi there,
Great template, I love it, thank you!
My issue is it automatically has 4 blog posts on my homepage and it looks very uneven because it should be in sets of 3. I chaned my Layout>BlogPosts >Number of posts on home page to 9, but 4 still show up.
I added jumpbreaks to each post which solves the problem, but then on my homepage the “Read more” link moves to an odd place.
Help please! Either how do I get the proper 9 posts on my homepage without adding jumpbreaks, or how do I get the ‘Read more’ to move back to its proper place.
Thanks in advance!
Laura 3 May 2014 at 7:44
Bonjour j’ai un problème quand je veux le transférer sur mon blog, blogger me laisse comme message: “Impossible d’enregistrer le modèle.
Votre modèle n’a pas pu être analysé car il contient des erreurs. Veuillez vous assurer que tous les éléments XML sont correctement fermés. Message d’erreur XML :
Content is not allowed in prolog.”
Donc il m’est impossible de mettre ce thème, et même n’importe quel autre thèmes de votre site, sur mon blog…
Julie Loemakto 10 May 2014 at 11:16
Seems to me nobody has not been giving the answer or solution of this problem:
Author description. Search this text in your template code and replace it.”
Is there anyone there can give us the solution how to remove it?
Julie Loemakto 10 May 2014 at 11:42
Never mind…. I didn’t see page 1. Sorry :’)
Mary 18 May 2014 at 3:46
Nice template, using it and loving it. Thank you. One query though, I have set the posts to 6 per page but on some page it shows only 5. Any input will be appreciated.
Eden 17 June 2014 at 11:50
Hi! I love this template, thanks! I have just one problem: I use sometimes italic fonts in post, but in my blog it is just normal. What should I change?
Mimmi 21 July 2014 at 16:45
Hi. I really love this template. But I would like to completely remove the authorbox and have just one image (not the slideshow). How do I do this?
susan 6 September 2014 at 8:49
Hello, sorry about my english!
i really like this template for my blog but when i am try to download the only one way to use is created a new wix page, but i use blogger.
let me know where i can download like blogger template
thanks so much
Alex 4 February 2015 at 5:45
I am getting the following error message. What am I doing wrong?
We were unable to save your template.
Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message:
Content is not allowed in prolog.