Free Blogger Templates

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Arkham Blogger Template


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  1. How to install a Blogger template.
  2. Additional Settings:

About Arkham

The Arkham Blogger template is a sleek and versatile design perfect for a variety of websites. With its 2-column layout and fixed width, it offers a clean and organized structure that ensures your content stands out. The right sidebar provides easy navigation, while the drop-down menu enhances user experience by simplifying access to different sections of your site.

Featuring a black and gray color scheme with subtle pink accents, this template is particularly well-suited for girly or textured websites. The inclusion of post thumbnails and a slideshow adds a dynamic visual element, making your blog more engaging and visually appealing. Additionally, the footer columns offer extra space for important links or information.

Adapted from WordPress, the Arkham template combines functionality with style. Its dirt/sand textures add a unique touch, making it ideal for those who want a distinctive look. Whether you're running a personal blog or a professional site, Arkham provides a polished and adaptable design that caters to your needs.

More Girly Blogger templates:


Author: NBThemes.
Designer: .

9 Questions and comments on Arkham

Marilyn 26 February 2013 at 19:58

Is so beautiful , but i cant use it becausa the ”date” dont work, I followed the installation steps but still not working :(

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Francisco 27 February 2013 at 15:06

The timestamp format for this templates is like 00.00.0000.

Sloy 6 March 2013 at 16:04

Why aren’t line breaks being shown properly in the main page? Some templates do it fine, and some others delete the tag like this. Is there a way to fix that?

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Celine 3 May 2013 at 21:53

GREAT theme, but I’m having trouble with the date. Even after changing the timestamp format, the date still says ‘undefined’. Any suggestions please?

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Thomas Benezeth 11 May 2013 at 9:29


Your template is very nice, I would like to have the same drop down menu on my website, could you please explain me how to do that ?

For exemple, you could tell me where I can find the html code of this menu bar :)



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ArchitectWeekly 6 June 2013 at 6:53

Hi, I was wondering how I could change the post heading font a color. I’ve currently tried everything in the HTML code but nothing seems to work.


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Reri 19 December 2013 at 21:36

I love the template but somebody can tell me how I can put the date.

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Emma 23 May 2020 at 15:07

Anybody figured out the date problem yet? Anyone? Bueller?

↩ Reply
Francisco 13 June 2020 at 7:38

Hi Emma, please check the template’s instructions above / additional settings.

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