Free Blogger Templates

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Kylie Jo Blogger Template

Kylie Jo

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  1. How to install a Blogger template.
  2. Additional Settings:

About Kylie Jo

The Kylie Jo Blogger template is a versatile and elegant design that caters to a wide range of niches. With its 2-column and 4-column layouts, it offers flexibility for bloggers who want to showcase their content in a clean and organized manner. The fixed width ensures a consistent look across devices, while the right sidebar provides easy navigation and additional space for widgets.

This template is perfect for those who appreciate a minimalist and fresh aesthetic. It includes features like post thumbnails and threaded comments, making it user-friendly and interactive. The absence of images in the design allows for a focus on content, making it ideal for text-heavy blogs or those who prefer to let their words shine.

Whether you're into art, fashion, health and beauty, or photography, the Kylie Jo template is a great choice. Its footer columns and unique blogger designs add a touch of sophistication, while the white color scheme keeps it neutral and adaptable. This template is a reliable option for anyone looking to create a professional and stylish blog.

More Fashion Blogger templates:


Author: Colorand Code.

11 Questions and comments on Kylie Jo

Rafael Oliveira 28 January 2016 at 6:23


I need some help! I used this model, but I want to use with a 50% transparent background.

In html code, where I change?

Very thank you for attention.

Best Regards.

Rafael Oliveira

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Francisco 14 February 2016 at 7:13

I’m no sure I got it right, I think this tutorial is useful

And you can apply the background to the element body, for example.

moon 16 February 2016 at 11:03

This template works in every browser except in chrome. Only the left pictures are visible on the homepage and the rest disappears as you can see in the preview when you open it in chrome. I tried everything. Hope somebody knows how to help me. Thanks.

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moon 16 February 2016 at 11:10

This template works in every browser except in chrome. Only the left pictures are visible on the homepage and the rest disappears as you can see when you open the preview above in chrome. I tried everything, can somebody help me to make my website have the right appearance in chrome.

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Mariana 21 March 2016 at 13:45

is not compatible in chrome. i have the same problem :(

Maya Su. 31 March 2016 at 7:35

I’ve downloaded and applied Kylie Jo to my blog, but it seems like no matter how many posts I want the main blog section to have, the section can’t be more than 6 posts. Can someone help me on how to make the main blog have more than 6 posts? I want it to be full like in the demo.

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Editterh 13 April 2016 at 19:20

Hola no se si ami solo me paso pero basicamente esta mal echo xml no se me aprecio todo mal grax

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said 18 April 2017 at 16:03

hello dear i hava installed your templete and i would like to show all post at once but i get only two post in main page please help

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hamlee 4 April 2019 at 11:50

how to change page navigation with number and and its position further from the picture post

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Erika Trejo 24 March 2023 at 0:25

Hello, I would like to know how to edit in blogger so that I see an image in each entry because I see the message “sorry-image-not-available”

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arlene 5 December 2024 at 18:14

Hello, I like this template. However, I want to change how when you click the first image it goes to another page. I want it to go to another url outside of my blog. Thanks

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