Free Blogger Templates

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Azul Blogger Template

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  1. How to install a Blogger template.

About Azul

The Azul Blogger template is a sophisticated and elegant design tailored for business websites. With its clean two-column layout and fixed width, it offers a professional and organized appearance. The template features a right sidebar, making it easy to navigate and highlight important content.

Adapted from WordPress, Azul combines functionality with a sleek aesthetic. Its color scheme of black, blue, gray, and white creates a modern and timeless look. This template is perfect for businesses aiming to establish a strong online presence with a polished and refined design.

Created by Blog and Web, Azul is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly. Its structured layout ensures that your content is displayed in a clear and accessible manner, making it an excellent choice for business websites that value both style and substance.

More Adapted from WordPress Blogger templates:


Author: Blog and Web.
Designer: .

6 Questions and comments on Azul

kachi 12 April 2008 at 14:53

Lo voy a probar en mi blog a ver que tal gracias!

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Ekiz [x] 25 April 2008 at 14:12

Una de las mejores plantillas
de blog and web, sencilla
y acojedora! :D

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denshou 21 August 2008 at 21:07

Por qué ninguna plantilla me funciona?

Me aparece esto:

“No hemos podido guardar tu plantilla
Por favor, corrige el siguiente error y envía la plantilla de nuevo.
No se ha podido analizar su plantilla, porque no está bien formada. Asegúrese de que todos los elementos XML se han cerrado correctamente.
Mensaje de error de XML: The document type declaration for root element type “html” must end with ‘>’.”

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angelblade 8 December 2008 at 13:25

La ando usando y me ha gustado mucho.

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JoseAntonio 12 December 2008 at 11:05

Ajá, muy bueno la plantilla, pero creo que le falta un buen diseño de Comentarios, para que los visitantes puedan opinar, gracias…

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