Free Blogger Templates

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Parchment Blogger Template


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About Parchment

Parchment is a free Blogger template with 2 columns and right sidebar.

Excellent template for blogs about books.

More Books Blogger templates:


Author: Blogcrowds.

6 Questions and comments on Parchment

CARMEN 23 April 2008 at 6:20


I can´t discharge HTML code in my blog!!! I need help!


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Bagus 14 May 2008 at 21:50

Dear Blogcrowds

Thanks so much for this cool template
I hope you could create others cool template.

Best Regards,

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Kid Politic 6 July 2008 at 15:10

I tried downloading this template but it said the html code was poorly made! When I looked at my blog it was just a big mess of stuff….

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vishal 21 January 2009 at 8:37

hey …vey cool template…
But i am unable to find the older posts option at the bottom????
Can anyone help? advance.

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Jill 26 September 2009 at 6:22

I am wanting to use this template but like the above comment, I cannot access the bottom of the layout page. If I don’t get some help with this I will need to find another. Regrets.

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hany 9 August 2011 at 6:15

thank for all nice templates , and i give thanks for who design this blogger templates
thank u

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