BTemplates, the best place for Blogger templates since 2008.
NovaMag is a versatile Blogger template designed to cater to a wide range of websites. With its 3-column layout and fixed width, it offers a clean and organized structure that is easy to navigate. The template is adapted from WordPress, ensuring a professional and polished look that appeals to both bloggers and businesses alike.
One of the standout features of NovaMag is its drop-down menu, which enhances user experience by providing easy access to various sections of your site. The right sidebar is perfect for displaying additional content or widgets, while the slideshow feature allows you to showcase your most important posts or images in a visually appealing way. The template also includes post thumbnails, making it easier for readers to browse through your content.
NovaMag is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, with a blue and white color scheme that exudes a modern and professional vibe. It also comes with social and tabs features, making it easier to integrate social media and organize content. Whether you're running a blog, a portfolio, or a business site, NovaMag is a reliable choice that combines style and functionality.
Author: PBTemplates.
Designer: New WP Themes.
Wawan 18 February 2013 at 9:52
Mohon bantuannya. Kenapa setelah pasang foto untuk slide, Dropdown menunya berada dibelakang foto. Saya menggunakan template NovaMag. Mohon balas via email. terima kasih
Please help. I put a picture for the slide, drop-down menus located behind the photos. I use NovaMag. Please reply via email. thank you